Manfred Cooking

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Manfred Cooking (born July 4, 1928 in Vienna ; † January 7, 1989 ) was an American mathematician , information scientist and computer scientist of Austrian origin.


Cooking grew up in a Jewish family who had to leave Austria during the Nazi era and fled to the United States via Lisbon. He studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Columbia University , where he in 1955 with a thesis in the field of applied mathematics information transfer with Organized Systems Discrete received his doctorate ( Ph.D. ). From 1953 he worked in the Electronic Computer Project led by John von Neumann at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton . From 1955 to 1956 he was a postdoc at Harvard University . There he worked on mathematical models in behavioral science . In 1956 he joined as a researcher (research scientist) at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center of IBM in Yorktown Heights, New York . There he was responsible for a project in information science in 1960. In 1965 he went to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor , where he became full professor of information science in 1972. He also worked at the Graduate School of Business and at the Mental Health Research Institute of this university. He was a consultant to various national and international research institutions.

His scientific interest was the study of learning processes of individuals and communities and especially the mathematical modeling of these processes. Cooking published on a wide range of research, including for information retrieval , to network theory, the future of information technology, the theory of decentralization in politics and administration (with Charles W. German ) and decision-making processes, to model the scientific growth and bibliometrics and scientometrics . As early as the 1950s he was concerned with the small world phenomenon , and he summarized the results in an unpublished manuscript. It was only two decades later that these results were made known to a broad scientific public.

In 1980, Cooking became a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science .

Fonts (selection)

  • Manfred Cooking, Eugene H. Galanter: The acquisition and utilization of information in problem solving and thinking . In: Information and Control . tape 1 , 1958, p. 267-288 .
  • Manfred Cooking: Extension of Moore-Shannon model for relay circuits . In: IBM Journal of Research and Development . tape 3 , no. 2 , 1959, p. 169-186 , doi : 10.1147 / around 32.0169 .
  • Manfred Cooking, Karl W. Deutsch: Toward a rational theory of decentralization: Some implications of a mathematical approach . In: American Political Science Review . tape 63 , no. 3 , 1969, p. 734-749 , doi : 10.1017 / S0003055400258553 .
  • Manfred Cooking: Stability in the growth of knowledge . In: American Documentation . tape 20 , no. 3 , 1969, p. 186–197 , doi : 10.1002 / asi.4630200303 .
  • Manfred Cooking: Representations and algorithms for cognitive learning . In: Artificial Intelligence . tape 5 , 1974, p. 199-216 .
  • Manfred Cooking: Principles of information retrieval . John Wiley, New York 1974, ISBN 0-471-49697-9 , pp. xix + 203 .
  • Manfred Cooking: Applications of fuzzy sets in psychology . In: Fuzzy Sets and their Applications to Cognitive and Decision Processes . Proceedings of the US-Japan Seminar on Fuzzy Sets and their Applications, University of California, Berkeley, July 1-4, 1974. Academic Press, 1975, pp. 395-408 .
  • Manfred Cooking: How well do we acknowledge intellectual debts? In: Journal of Documentation . tape 43 , 1987, pp. 54-64 .
  • Manfred Cooking (Ed.): The Small World . Commemorating Ithiel de Sola Pool, Stanley Milgram, Theodore Newcomb. Ablex Publ. Corp., Norwood NJ 1989, pp. 382 .


  • Eugene Garfield : Manfred Cooking: In Memory of an Information Scientist Pioneer qua World Brain-ist (=  Essays of an Information Scientist . Volume 12 ). Philadelphia PA 1989, p. 166-169 .
  • Milan Zeleny: Manfred Cooking (1928–1989) . In: Human Systems Management . tape 8 , no. 2 , 1989, pp. 95-96 .
  • FW Lancaster , Susan Bushur, Yuen-Man Low: Cooking's influence examined bibliometrically . In: Library Trends . tape 41 , no. 4 , 1993, p. 549-566 ( [PDF]).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ithiel de Sola Pool, Manfred Cooking: Contacts and influence . In: Social Networks . tape 1 , 1978, p. 5-51 .