Team squad of the Skakligaen 2011/12

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The list of team squads in the 2011/12 Skakligaen includes all players who have played at least once in the 2011/12 Danish Skakligaen .


The Jetsmark SK and SK K41 managed with 10 players each, the Nordea Skb team had most of the players contest at least one competition, namely 21. A total of 129 players were used, 33 of whom took part in all competitions.

The best individual result was achieved by Mads Andersen (Team Nordea Skb) and Christian Kyndel Pedersen (Jetsmark SK) with 7.5 points each, whereby Andersen played 8 games, Pedersen 9. Jonny Hector (SK Nordkalotten) achieved half a point less in 9 games each. and Tobias Rostgaard (BMS Skak). With Jan Pedersen (Team Nordea Skb), Niels Nørskov Laursen (SK K41), Anders Helledie (Jetsmark SK), Sjurdur Thorsteinsson (Århus SK / Skolerne) and Esben Sørensen (Hillerød SK), five players each achieved 100%.

The oldest player of the season was Bjørn Brinck-Claussen (* 1942), who played for Brøsnhøj SF, and the youngest player was Mads Andersen (* 1995), who played for Team Nordea Skb .


The tables below contain the following information:

  • No .: Ranking list number
  • Title: FIDE title at the beginning of the season (rating list from September 2011); GM = Grand Master , IM = International Master , FM = FIDE Master , WGM = Women's Grand Master, WIM = International Women's Master, WFM = Women's FIDE Master, CM = Candidate Master, WCM = Women's Candidate Master
  • Elo: Elo number at the beginning of the season (rating list from September 2011), if this is in brackets, it is a national rating
  • Nation: Nationality according to the rating list from September 2011; DEN = Denmark, EST = Estonia, FAI = Faroe Islands, ISL = Iceland, ITA = Italy, NOR = Norway, POL = Poland, SWE = Sweden
  • G: number of winning games
  • R: Number of draw games
  • V: number of losing games
  • Pkt .: Number of points achieved
  • Games: Number of games played
  • Elo performance: tournament performance of the players with at least 5 games
  • Norms: Earned norms for FIDE titles

Jetsmark Skakklub

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Peter Heine Nielsen 2687 THE 2 3 0 3.5 5 2563
2 GM Allan Stig Rasmussen 2541 THE 4th 3 2 5.5 9 2499
3 IN THE Jakob Vang Glud 2496 THE 4th 4th 1 6th 9 2456
4th IN THE Christian Kyndel Pedersen 2416 THE 6th 3 0 7.5 9 2572
5 FM Stefan Christensen 2278 THE 4th 3 2 5.5 9 2341
6th FM Martin Bækgaard 2295 THE 4th 2 1 5 7th 2422
7th Andreas Wiwe 2273 THE 3 4th 2 5 9 2265
8th Bjarke Jensen 2292 THE 2 2 2 3 6th 2235
9 CM Jakob Rathlev 2251 THE 2 5 1 4.5 8th 2192
10 Helledie is different 2223 THE 1 0 0 1 1

Brønshøj Skakforening

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Tiger Hillarp Persson 2535 SWE 5 2 1 6th 8th 2691
2 IN THE Simon Bekker-Jensen 2409 THE 1 3 1 2.5 5 2430
3 FM Jacob Carstensen 2372 THE 1 4th 4th 3 9 2247
4th IN THE Kim Pilgaard 2424 THE 4th 2 1 5 7th 2464
5 IN THE Thorbjørn Bromann 2385 THE 5 2 1 6th 8th 2467
6th GM Carsten Hoi 2372 THE 2 4th 2 4th 8th 2246
7th FM Jakob Aabling-Thomsen 2324 THE 3 2 1 4th 6th 2335
8th David Bekker-Jensen 2334 THE 0 0 1 0 1
9 Henrik Holmsgaard 2320 THE 4th 2 3 5 9 2235
10 Nikolaj Palm 2253 THE 3 1 0 3.5 4th
11 Morten Ligaard 2264 THE 0 1 0 0.5 1
12 IN THE Bjørn Brinck-Claussen 2263 THE 3 1 0 3.5 4th
13 WIM Oksana Vovk 2212 THE 0 1 0 0.5 1
14th Steffen Nielsen 2190 THE 0 1 0 0.5 1

Århus Skakklub / Skolerne

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 IN THE Jan Sørensen 2426 THE 2 4th 3 4th 9 2428
2 IN THE Karsten Rasmussen 2424 THE 3 0 2 3 5 2437
3 IN THE Rasmus Skytte 2388 THE 1 4th 3 3 8th 2307
4th IN THE Tobias Christensen 2346 THE 4th 5 0 6.5 9 2485
5 Bjørn Møller Ochsner 2252 THE 4th 1 4th 4.5 9 2294
6th FM John Rendboe 2242 THE 2 4th 2 4th 8th 2260
7th FM Finn Pedersen 2285 THE 4th 2 2 5 8th 2322
8th Bo Jacobsen 2317 THE 4th 2 0 5 6th 2448
9 Kresten Skytte Hagen 2190 THE 3 3 2 4.5 8th 2157
10 Jacob Bjerre Jensen 2172 THE 0 0 1 0 1
11 Sjurdur Thorsteinsson 2148 FAI 1 0 0 1 1

Skakklubben Nordkalotten

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Jonny Hector 2575 SWE 7th 0 2 7th 9 2700
2 GM Stellan Brynell 2491 SWE 0 3 2 1.5 5 2262
3 IN THE Bjorn Ahlander 2422 SWE 1 1 0 1.5 2
4th FM Kåre Hove Kristensen 2296 THE 3 4th 2 5 9 2406
5 FM Daniel Vesterbæk Pedersen 2283 THE 2 1 4th 2.5 7th 2223
6th FM Esben Hove 2265 THE 1 4th 4th 3 9 2165
7th FM Lars Aaes Nielsen 2259 THE 1 4th 2 3 7th 2228
8th FM Peter Jakobsen 2230 THE 3 5 1 5.5 9 2308
9 Esben Ejsing 2092 THE 4th 3 2 5.5 9 2277
10 Søren Koch 2173 THE 0 2 0 1 2
11 Peter Vestergaard Andersen (1869) THE 0 0 1 0 1
12 Martin Stampe Noer 1940 THE 0 1 2 0.5 3

Skakklubben K41

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 FM Andreas Skytte Hagen 2454 THE 3 1 5 3.5 9 2414
2 IN THE John Arni Nilssen 2378 FAI 3 4th 1 5 8th 2509
3 Roland Greger 2380 THE 1 4th 4th 3 9 2248
4th FM Sebastian Nilsson 2362 SWE 1 1 2 1.5 4th
5 Kresten Schmidt 2303 THE 1 4th 4th 3 9 2165
6th Bo Garner Christensen 2277 THE 2 4th 3 4th 9 2192
7th FM Flovin T ¢ r Næs 2260 FAI 6th 0 3 6th 9 2314
8th Joan Hendrik Andreasen 2256 FAI 3 5 1 5.5 9 2230
9 Niels Nørksov Laursen 2256 THE 1 0 0 1 1
10 Sandi Stojanovski 2232 THE 3 0 2 3 5 2198

Team Nordea Skb

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Kamil Mitoń 2628 POLE 1 0 1 1 2
2 GM Kaido Külaots 2592 EST 2 2 0 3 4th
3 GM Artur Jakubiec 2528 POLE 0 1 1 0.5 2
4th IN THE Nicolai Vesterbæk Pedersen 2460 THE 2 5 2 4.5 9 2389
5 IN THE Michał Luch 2433 POLE 2 0 1 2 3
6th IN THE Mads Andersen 2398 THE 7th 1 0 7.5 8th 2763
7th IN THE Jens Kjeldsen 2411 THE 0 1 2 0.5 3
8th IN THE Jan Pedersen 2390 THE 1 0 0 1 1
9 IN THE Silas Lund 2380 THE 0 1 1 0.5 2
10 FM Mads Boe 2347 THE 1 2 0 2 3
11 Jackie Andersen 2323 THE 1 1 0 1.5 2
12 IN THE Leif Kristensen 2301 THE 3 0 2 3 5 2341
13 Jan Rode Pedersen 2204 THE 3 3 3 4.5 9 2219
14th Nicolai Løwenstein 2193 THE 0 1 1 0.5 2
15th Antonio Clerico 2134 THE 0 0 3 0 3
16 Peter Grove 2132 THE 0 1 2 0.5 3
17th Tavs Bjerre 1940 THE 0 1 0 0.5 1
18th Kai Munk 2032 THE 0 1 1 0.5 2
19th Morten Rasmussen 1931 THE 0 0 3 0 3
20th Colin Watson 1918 THE 0 1 2 0.5 3
21st Peter Wheadon (1686) THE 1 0 1 1 2

Skakklubben Sydøstfyn

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Sabino Brunello 2569 ITA 2 1 0 2.5 3
2 GM Lars Schandorff 2494 THE 5 2 1 6th 8th 2606
3 GM Jacob Aagaard 2522 THE 1 3 0 2.5 4th
4th IN THE Steffen Pedersen 2431 THE 2 5 2 4.5 9 2377
5 IN THE Lars Borbjerggaard 2339 THE 1 4th 2 3 7th 2298
6th Jan Nordenbæk 2252 THE 2 5 2 4.5 9 2312
7th FM Jesper Mørch Lauridsen 2264 THE 2 1 0 2.5 3
8th Niels-Peter Nielsen 2161 THE 1 3 5 2.5 9 2078
9 Martin Strandby 2214 THE 0 0 4th 0 4th
10 Finn Nøhr 2110 THE 2 3 3 3.5 8th 2105
11 Lars Grønborg Bjerre 2057 THE 2 1 2 2.5 5 2196
12 Christian Furrer 2039 THE 0 0 1 0 1
13 Arne Andersen 2095 THE 0 1 0 0.5 1
14th Erik Rene Nielsen 1773 THE 0 0 1 0 1

SK 1968 Aarhus

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 FM Arne Matthiesen 2316 THE 2 3 4th 3.5 9 2412
2 FM Poul Rewitz 2298 THE 1 1 7th 1.5 9 2142
3 FM Martin Matthiesen 2277 THE 3 2 4th 4th 9 2318
4th FM Jan Magnus Lindfeldt 2246 THE 3 4th 1 5 8th 2392
5 Lars Hansen 2245 THE 3 3 3 4.5 9 2230
6th Pelle Bank 2241 THE 2 1 3 2.5 6th 2091
7th Bjarne Hansen 2235 THE 5 2 1 6th 8th 2358
8th Thomas Christensen 2257 THE 1 0 2 1 3
9 Torben Kyhl Sørensen 2237 THE 3 4th 2 5 9 2160
10 Jens Riis 2159 SWE 0 1 0 0.5 1
11 Janus Christensen 2162 THE 0 1 0 0.5 1

BMS Skak

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Henrik Danielsen 2543 ISL 1 1 3 1.5 5 2329
2 IN THE Jens Kristiansen 2439 THE 2 2 3 3 7th 2398
3 IN THE Nikolaj Mikkelsen 2384 THE 1 5 2 3.5 8th 2366
4th IN THE Bjarke Sahl 2343 NOR 2 1 1 2.5 4th
5 FM Peter Skovgaard 2305 THE 1 0 2 1 3
6th Dara Akdag 2218 THE 3 1 4th 3.5 8th 2265
7th Thomas Bach Nielsen 2219 THE 1 4th 3 3 8th 2166
8th Tobias Valentin Rostgaard 2198 THE 6th 2 1 7th 9 2446
9 Sven Pedersen 2139 THE 1 3 4th 2.5 8th 2054
10 Nicolai Kvist Brondt Pedersen 2133 THE 0 1 2 0.5 3
11 Jacob Abildlund Brorsen 2106 THE 0 0 2 0 2
12 Sigfred Haubro 2109 THE 2 2 1 3 5 2305
13 Martin Haubro 2050 THE 0 0 2 0 2

Hillerød Skakklub

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 IN THE Nikolaj Borge 2408 THE 2 1 4th 2.5 7th 2392
2 FM Tim Jaksland 2306 THE 3 0 5 3 8th 2345
3 Jens Østergaard 2260 THE 1 7th 1 4.5 9 2414
4th Martin Rosenkilde Pedersen 2186 THE 0 3 4th 1.5 7th 2115
5 Ib Hother Andersen 2183 THE 1 3 4th 2.5 8th 2153
6th Thomas Svenninggaard 2163 THE 1 1 2 1.5 4th
7th Christopher Pedersen 2078 THE 0 2 5 1 7th 1928
8th Carsten Erlandsen 2105 THE 2 1 4th 2.5 7th 2136
9 Poul Kleiminger 2086 THE 0 0 1 0 1
10 Lars Kjøller Nilsson 2036 THE 2 0 4th 2 6th 2086
11 Palle Skov 2002 THE 0 1 2 0.5 3
12 Peter Svendsen 1984 THE 0 1 3 0.5 4th
13 Esben Sørensen 1976 THE 1 0 0 1 1

Web links

  • Results at the Dansk Skak Union (Danish)