Marc Antoine Calmon

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Marc Antoine Calmon

Marc Antoine Calmon (born March 3, 1815 in Tamniès , Dordogne department , † October 12, 1890 in Paris ) was a French politician .


Marc Antoine Calmon, son of the politician Jean-Louis Calmon , studied law in Paris and became an auditor at the Council of State in 1836 and Maître des requêtes in 1842 , but after the coup of Napoleon III. In order not to have to take the oath on the empire , resigned his position in 1852. Before that he was President of Lot's General Council from 1844 to 1847 and a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 1846 to 1848 .

During the period of the Empire Calmon lived in political seclusion, occupied only with scientific studies of financial policy. During this time he wrote several valuable economic studies:

  • Les impôts avant 1798 , 1865
  • William Pitt , étude financière et parlementaire , 1865
  • Histoire parlementaire des finances de la Restauration , 2 vols., 1868–70
  • Étude des finances de l'Angleterre depuis la réforme de Robert Peel jusqu'en 1869 , 1870

In recognition of these academic achievements, Calmon was elected a member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques in 1872 . His friend Thiers , whose speeches he later published as Discours parlementaires de M. Thiers (16 vols., Paris 1879-89), appointed him Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of the Interior in 1871 and when Calmon had to give up this post in 1872 at the request of the monarchist right , to the Seine prefect . After Thiers' fall, Calmon resigned in 1873 and was elected a member of the National Assembly in December of the same year , where he joined the left-wing center and took an outstanding part in the negotiations and deliberations on the 1875 constitution. Elected a lifelong member of the Senate by the National Assembly in 1875 , he was one of the leaders of the left; from 1879 to 1883 he was Vice President of the Senate. He died in Paris in 1890 at the age of 75.
