Marcel Le Glay

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Marcel Le Glay (born May 7, 1920 in Arleux near Douai , † August 14, 1992 in Paris ) was a French classical archaeologist and epigraphist .

Marcel Le Glay studied Classical Studies in Lille and Paris during World War II . After graduation (1945) he stayed from 1947 to 1949 as a member of the École française de Rome in Italy, where his research focus shifted to archeology and the history of religion.

Then Le Glay went to Algiers as a teacher , where he also taught and researched at the university (as assistant to Louis Leschi ). In 1961 Le Glay left Algeria and went to the University of Lyon as professor of ancient history . In this capacity he also took part in archaeological excavations in the wider area from 1963 to 1973. In 1970, Le Glay went to Paris-Nanterre University as a professor of Roman history . In 1983 his career reached its peak: he was appointed Professor of Archeology at the Sorbonne to succeed Gilbert Charles-Picard . In 1987 he retired .

Marcel La Glay wrote numerous studies on the topography and settlement history of the Roman provinces, especially in North Africa and Gaul . In addition to monographs, anthologies, exhibition catalogs and essays, he also wrote articles for the real encyclopedia of classical antiquity (RE) and the Little Pauly (KlP).

Fonts (selection)

  • with E.-S. Colozier: Cherchel, antique Iol-Caesarea . Algiers 1952
  • Les religions orientales dans l'Afrique ancienne d'après les collections du Musée St. Gsell d'Alger . Algiers 1956
  • La sculpture antique d'après les collections du Musée St. Gsell d'Alger . Algiers 1957
  • with J. Mazard: Les portraits antiques du Musée St. Gsell d'Alger d'après les sculptures antiques et les monnaies . Algiers 1958
  • Les Gaulois en Afrique . Brussels 1962
  • with F. Delarbre: Alba Augusta Helviorum . 1960; several reprints
  • Saturne africain: Monuments . Two volumes, Paris 1961–1966
  • Saturne africain: Histoire . Paris 1966
  • Saint-Romain-en-Gal, district urbain de Vienne gallo-romaine . Lyon 1970
  • La religion romaine . Paris 1972. 2nd edition, Paris 1991.
  • with A. Audin: Noies d'épigraphie et d'archéologie lyonnaises . Paris 1976
  • with A. Boninu and A. Mastino: Turris Libisonis colonia Iulia . Sassari 1985
  • Villes, temples et sanctuaires de l'Orient romain . Paris 1986
  • with Joël Le Gall : L'Empire romain . Paris 1987. 2nd increased edition, Paris 1992
  • Rome, grandeur et déclin de la République . Paris 1989


  • Jean-Marie Lassère: Marcel Le Glay (1920–1992) . In: Antiquités africaines . Volume 29 (1993), pp. 7-11 (with picture; online )
  • Claude Lepelley: Marcel Le Glay . In: Bulletin du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, Afrique du Nord . Vol. 23 (1990-1992), 1994, pp. 25-32
  • Yann Le Bohec, Jean-Louis Voisin (eds.): Mélanges à la mémoire de Marcel Le Glay: L'Afrique, la Gaule, la Religion à l'époque romaine . Brussels 1994 (with list of publications and short biography)