Marcel Turcu

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Marcel Turcu

Marcel Turcu (born April 13, 1940 in Sânnicolau Mare , Romania ; † February 8, 2014 in Timișoara , Romania) was a Romanian writer and surrealist poet .


Marcel Turcu graduated from elementary school in Bărăgan ( Stăncuța Nouă , Călmățui County , Galați Region ), where he and his parents had been deported by the communist government . He attended secondary school in his hometown of Sânnicolau Mare ( German Großsanktnikolaus ). From 1959 to 1960 he began to study mathematics at the Pedagogical Institute in Craiova . From 1960 to 1965 he studied German and Romanian at the West University of Timisoara .  

Between 1966 and 2003 Marcel Turcu taught Romanian , German , French , philosophy and logic in the middle schools of Timișoara and Periam . He made his debut in 1969 with the book Farfuria sălbatică (The wild plate).

Turcu was a member of the Romanian Writers' Union and the Association of Former Bărăgan Deportees .


Beginnings in literature

Even when he was in middle school, Marcel Turcu published articles in the magazine Contemporanul , then in the magazine Luceafărul , where he was discovered by Mihu Dragomir and continued to publish articles in literary magazines:

  • Orizont (The Horizon)
  • Luceafǎrul (The Evening Star)
  • Tribuna (The Tribune)
  • Vatra (the fireplace)
  • Familia (The Family)
  • Contemporanul (The Contemporary)
  • 1969 Farfuria sălbatică (The wild plate)
  • 1974 Tăcerile renului (The Silence of the Elk)
  • 1979 Levitaţie (Levitation)
  • 1980 Voluptatea drumului (The glowing passion of the way)
  • 1988 Sublimarea pasiunilor (The Sublimation of Passions)
  • 1996 Unchiul meu, aerul (My uncle, the air)
  • 1999 Contestreno (Contestreno)
  • 1999 La trapez general (The general trapeze)
  • 2001 Village Life in Southern Europe Contributed as a co-author
  • 2002 Ningeniu ( Snowy Genius)
  • 2003 alum (alum)
  • 2004 O problemă a jafrilor (A riddle of the robbers)
  • 2004 Ibis speculari (The Peeking Ibis)
  • 2006 Cuțit pentru lectură (A knife for reading)
  • 2008 Ofițerul al stărilor de spirit (The officer of the minds)
  • 2009 Ofițerul 1 al stărilor de spirit (The officer 1 of the states of mind)
  • 2010 Eurorero (Eurorero)
  • 2012 Bietul templu (The Pitiful Temple)
  • 2013 Orbitudine (ambiguity)
  • 2014 Turbea (Turbea)

His works have been awarded numerous national and international prizes. His works were translated into German by Andrei Pogány and into French by his second son Marius Turcu.


  • “In Memoriam Marcel Turcu”, in: Anotimpuri Literare (magazine: Literary Seasons), No. 1, 2014.

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