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Castle wall from the lake side with oak trees

Castle wall from the lake side with oak trees

Alternative name (s): Einfeld castle
Creation time : 9th century
Castle type : Niederungsburg, Wallburg
Conservation status: partially preserved wall
Place: Neumunster
Geographical location 54 ° 8 '13.9 "  N , 9 ° 59' 18.7"  E Coordinates: 54 ° 8 '13.9 "  N , 9 ° 59' 18.7"  E
Height: 15  m above sea level NN
Margarethenschanze (Schleswig-Holstein)
View from the south, clearly recognizable the shape of the wall

The Margarethenschanze , also called Einfelder Burg , is a hill fort in the north of Neumünster , in the Einfeld district directly on the Einfelder See . From the castle, which was probably built in the 9th century, the north-western part of the ring wall is still preserved. The approximately round facility was around 90 to 100 meters in diameter.


Located directly on the western shore of the Einfelder See and away from the medieval traffic routes, this low castle was well protected from attacks by the Ellhorn lowlands in the west and north and smaller moors. The approach to the castle led through a marshland close to the shore of the Einfelder See.


Together with Wittorf Castle, which is about seven kilometers to the south, and the castle complex in Borgdorf , about eight kilometers to the northeast, the Margarethenschanze also served to defend the Saxon area on the Limes Saxoniae . Due to the remote location and the difficult access, this fortification seems to have acted as a protection and retreat facility for the population threatened by the Slavs . On the other hand, it was easily possible from here for armed troops to monitor or block the not far away medieval north-south connection from Einfeld to Nortorf. No records have been preserved about the appearance of the intact castle or its strategic use.


The eastern part facing the lake is missing from the probably circular ramparts. The existing wall is interrupted by a gap around 30 meters wide in the west. The entire system is about 1.5 meters above the level of the surrounding fields, the wall is up to four meters high. The remaining parts are made of a row of oak trees, but can still be clearly recognized. The city of Neumünster has placed the site under landscape protection. The inner castle consists of an open grass area. Lay-out paths lead along the wall and through the inner castle.


Web links

Commons : Margarethenschanze  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Wingst: Die Heimat , Heft 6/1950, Neumünster 1950
  2. Single field points of view. (PDF) Point of view 4, the Margarethenschanze cultural monument. (No longer available online.), January 2011, archived from the original on March 15, 2016 ; accessed on August 27, 2018 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /