Margarita Feodorovna Albedil

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Margarita Fjodorovna Albedil ( Russian Маргарита Федоровна Альбедиль ; born December 4, 1946 in Leningrad ) is a Soviet - Russian ethnographer , historian , religious scholar and Indologist .


Albedil from the widely ramified Albedyll family studied at the University of Leningrad in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the Chair of Indian Philology .

In 1974 Albedil became a research assistant at the St. Petersburg Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography ( Kunstkammer ) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR, since 1991 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)).

1984 Albedil was to defend their at Yuri Knorozov -made dissertation on Proto-Indian texts as historical and ethnographic source in the Moscow Miklucho-Maklai -Institute of Ethnology of the AN SSSR for candidate of Historical Sciences PhD.

Albedil is a senior researcher in the Department for Countries of South and Southwest Asia of the St. Petersburg Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkammer) of the RAN. In 1996 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis on the ethnocultural problems of proto-Indian civilization . She is one of the leading experts on the religions and civilizations of ancient and modern India .

In addition, Albedil also dealt with Russian architecture and lacquer painting .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Kunstkammer: Альбедиль Маргарита Федоровна (accessed March 6, 2020).
  2. Альбедиль, Маргарита Фёдоровна: Протоиндийские тексты как историко-этнографический источник: как источник: как. дис. на соиск. учён. степ. канд. ист. наук  : (07.00.07) . Leningrad 1984.
  3. Альбедиль, Маргарита Фёдоровна: Протоиндийская цивилизация. Этнокультурные проблемы: Автореф. дис. на соиск. учён. степ. д.ист.н.  : Спец. 07.00.07 . St. Petersburg 1995.
  4. Al'bedil', Margarita Fedorovna: St. Petersburg: History and Architecture . Jarkij Gorod, St. Petersburg 2005, ISBN 5-9663000-3-8 .
  5. Alʹbedilʹ, Margarita Fedorovna: Russian lacquer painting: Palech, Mstjora, Fedoskino, Choluj . Jarkij Gorod, St. Petersburg 2007, ISBN 978-5-9663009-1-3 .