Maria Reese (painter)

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Maria Reese , also Lambertz Reese and Kindler Reese (* 22. April 1942 in Eckernförde ) is a German painter and graphic artist who in Gross Wittensee the studio Lambertz Reese leads. She lives and works in Groß Wittensee and Küsnacht in Switzerland .

Live and act

Reese grew up in Eckernförde with a sister. She studied from 1961 to 1966 at the Muthesius School for Crafts and Applied Arts in Kiel , today's art college. Since then she has been a freelance painter.

In 1962 she began living and working with the painter Carl Lambertz , her “real teacher”, whom she married in 1972. Her first husband died on February 27, 1996 at the age of 85.

In 1998 she remarried to the then 85-year-old publisher and author Helmut Kindler , who died in 2008 at the age of 95.

Maria Reese's pictures emerged from her living and working relationship with the painter Carl Lambertz in an exciting dialogue: of graphic realism and soon also of surreal poetry. Many of her pictures can be seen in public buildings (university, schools and offices of the State of Schleswig-Holstein ). Likewise her commissioned work for works in the form of tapestries and wall designs. There were and still are exhibitions not only in Germany (for example in Bonn, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Kiel, Eckernförde and Rendsburg), but also in galleries abroad.


Picture galleries

Web links

Notes and individual references

  2. Her sister Renate Mödder-Reese, internist, painter and poet ( ), is a physician, scientist and writer Gynter Mödder married .
  3. Maria Reese: My grief is expressed in pictures , blurb.