Caroline Fetscher

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Caroline Fetscher in Hinterzarten , May 2017

Caroline Fetscher (born 1958 in Tübingen ) is a German journalist and publicist .


Caroline Fetscher is one of four children of political scientist Iring Fetscher and his wife Elisabeth. From 1964 to 1966 she attended the elementary school Dornholzhausen / Taunus, 1967–1968 the Elementary School in Greenwich / Connecticut , USA, 1968–1969 the Frankfurt International School , 1970–1971 the German School in The Hague , Netherlands, 1971–1975 the grammar school Drawing school , Frankfurt / Main, from 1975 to 1977 the boarding school Birklehof , southern Black Forest.

From 1977 to 1978 she studied German, history and psychology at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and from 1980 to 1986 literary studies and psychology at the University of Hamburg with an M.A. In cultural studies, she became a student at the University of Zurich with her work on Albert Schweitzer PhD.

From 1979 to 1980 Fetscher completed her training as an editor at the journalism school von Gruner + Jahr (today: " Henri-Nannen-Schule ") in Hamburg.

Professional Activities

From 1981 to 1982 Fetscher worked in press and public relations for Greenpeace Germany in Hamburg, from 1983 to 1990 as editor-in-chief of the Greenpeace magazine for Germany, Switzerland and Austria (1990 edition approx. 250,000). She participated in public relations for several Greenpeace campaigns (including nuclear weapons tests, climate change, protection of the Antarctic). 1990–1991 Fetscher was a special advisor at Greenpeace Germany for the development of the Greenpeace campaign to protect tropical rainforests .

From 1991 to 1995 Fetscher worked as a campaign advisor and lobbyist for non-governmental organizations, including for “ Save the Rainforest ” in Hamburg and London. She was a lobbyist at the First World Bank Conference on the Protection of Rainforests in West and Central Africa (Banque Mondial de Développement, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire), at the CITES conference in Fort Lauderdale / USA and at the founding conference of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in Toronto.

In 1995 Fetscher was the lead co-editor of “The Power of the Brave - Greenpeace, Amnesty & Co” in the Spiegel Special , 11/1995. As a lecturer in German as a foreign language taught Fetscherplatz 1995-1996 at King's College London .

Since 1997 she has been working as an editor and author for Tagesspiegel in Berlin. Her main topics include: human rights, psychology, psychoanalysis, gender issues, conflicts in south-eastern Europe in the 1990s, the International Criminal Court for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague (ICTY). She writes reports, reports, reviews, essays, columns.


In an article, Fetscher advocated the controversial ancillary copyright law for press publishers , which is the law that applies today. The journalist Stefan Niggemeier , an opponent of ancillary copyright law , criticized this article on the basis of individual passages in which she campaigned for the introduction of ancillary copyright law at EU level. In the “political struggle for ancillary copyright”, “first the truth about the Jordan”, according to Niggemeier. He concludes that it is "ironic, but not untypical, that your report, which so passionately pleads for the salvation of good, thorough, careful journalism, is not itself an example."

Fonts (selection)

  • The tropics as text. Albert Schweitzer's “Between Water and Primeval Forest”. Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg 1993, ISBN 3-434-50019-7 ( language-critical study on colonial clichés; Univ. Hamburg, master's thesis, Hamburg 1992, OCLC 255615950 ).
  • (Ed., Foreword): The tropical suitcase. Magical, feverish and daring jungle stories . Anthology with texts from two centuries of prose on rainforests. dtv, Munich 1994, ISBN 3-630-71136-7 .
  • Srebrenica. One process. Documents from the proceedings against General Radislav Krstic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague (Ed., Foreword. With Julija Bogoeva). Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 2002, ISBN 3-518-12275-4 .

Web links

Commons : Caroline Fetscher  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Caroline Fetscher: In the beginning there was a real honeymoon with the Birklehof . In: Schule Birklehof (ed.): The 60s to early 80s at Birklehof. Former people remember . Editing: Peter Hahlbrock, Hanna Kneser & Götz Plessing. School Birklehof, Hinterzarten September 2019, DNB  1204221553 , p. 60-68 .
  2. The master's thesis presented at the University of Hamburg in 1992 ( OCLC 255615950 ) on an autobiographical work by Albert Schweitzer was published in 1993 (under the same title): Caroline Fetscher: Die Tropen als Text: Albert Schweitzer's "Between Water and Primeval Forest" . Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg 1993, ISBN 3-434-50019-7 (168 pages).
  3. Caroline Fetscher: Comforting Tropics. The old man and the majority: Albert Schweitzer, Lambarene and the West Germans after 1949. Study on the genesis and reception of a myth of the post-war republic . Dissertation (accepted 2018). University of Zurich, Philosophical Faculty, Zurich 2020, doi : 10.5167 / uzh-187217 (876 pages).
  4. SPIEGEL Special. 11/1995 ( [accessed June 23, 2018]).
  5. ^ Caroline Fetscher: Ancillary copyright law . “A question of life and death”. In:, August 22, 2018, accessed on August 24, 2018.
  6. Stefan Niggemeier: Reporter against "net giants". Dying for ancillary copyright. In: August 24, 2018. Retrieved August 24, 2018.