Marina de Vasconcelos

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Marina Delamare São Paulo de Vasconcelos (born March 25, 1912 in Rio de Janeiro ; died February 12, 1973 there ) was a Brazilian anthropologist and university professor.

Live and act

Marina Delamare São Paulo de Vasconcellos was born as the daughter of the doctor and researcher Aleixo de Vasconcellos and Dinorah Delamare São Paulo de Vasconcellos. After the early death of the mother, the father left the upbringing of Marina to the grandparents. She attended the Colégio Jacobina in Botafogo , founded in 1902, and at the age of 20 entered the Faculdade de Direito of the Universidade do Brasil , now the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Here she met Antônio Andrade Pacheco, whom she married, but who died in the first year of their marriage. In 1945 she married the army captain Isacir Telles Ribeiro, from whom she divorced in 1950. The reprisals of the Estado Novo and the military dictatorship from 1964 onwards fell into her lifetime .

After graduating from the Faculty of Law, she attended some of the first lectures in history after faculty and students were relocated to the Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia (FNFi, National Philosophy Faculty) at the Universidade do Brasil, which was created by Getúlio Vargas' decree in 1939 . Here she was influenced by the anthropologist and ethnologist Arthur Ramos , who held the chair for anthropology and ethnography, previously the chair for social psychology. Ramos developed the curricula, while Vasconcelos took care of the teaching. Ramos has been one of the fathers of Brazilian anthropology since O Negro Brasileiro , published in 1934 .

Vasconcelos was one of the participants in the constituent assembly of the Sociedade Brasileira de Antropologia e Etnologia (SBAE, Brazilian Society for Anthropology and Ethnology) on June 7, 1941 , of which she became general secretary. As part of the SBAE, she organized the A etnia alemã no Brasil (“The German Ethnicity in Brazil”) conference on August 14, 1946 , to which she also contributed to the acculturation question that had arisen in Brazil.

In 1949 she “inherited” the chair for anthropology and ethnography in Rio de Janeiro, which had become vacant after Ramos' cardiac death in Paris, after she competed for the post with the doctoral thesis Alguns Movimentos Contra-Aculturativos do Nordeste (“Some counter- acculturative movements in the Northeast “) Decided for herself, in which she dealt with the religious movements of Cangaceiros (Pedra Bonita), Canudos and the revolt in Juazeiro do Norte . She received the license to teach and was the first woman who could fill such a position at the National Philosophy Faculty.

In 1967 a university reform took place (Decree 53 of 1966, Decree of 1967 and Decree 477 of 1969), which threatened the autonomy of universities in Brazil. The National Philosophical Faculty was dissolved and divided into individual technical schools and institutes. The university had now adopted the name Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. In this, Marina de Vasconcelos took over the management of the Departamento de Ciências Sociais (Department of Social Sciences) and founded the Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais (IFCS) for lectures in history, philosophy and social sciences. Death threats, attacks and raids intensified until 1969 against the university members who did not like the military government. Vasconcelos was arrested in April 1969 and remained in custody until June 1969 after the Rockefeller Foundation, which operates in Brazil, intervened and its students, including a son-general, determined their whereabouts. After that, her health suffered. She was forbidden to return to university. On the occasion of a brain aneurysm operation, she died on February 12, 1973 at the age of sixty from an anesthetic error .


Vansconcelos was less prominent through its own publication activity. She is considered a pioneer in the establishment of the social sciences and anthropology as institutionalized science subjects in Rio de Janeiro. She was the first woman to be appointed to a chair at the Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia.

The departmental library Biblioteca Marina São Paulo de Vasconcellos has been named after her at the UFRJ since 1979 .


  • Alguns Movimentos Contra-Aculturativos do Nordeste. 1949. Dissertation (Concurso à Docência Livre da Cadeira de Antropologia e Etnografia, Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia, Universidade do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 1949)
  • O elemento alemão no Brasil. Without a date.
  • Relações da antropologia com a psicologia social. Congresso de Psicologia, 1, Curitiba, 1 a 8 dec. 1953.


  • Adelia Maria Miglievich-Ribeiro: Heloísa Alberto Torres e Marina São Paulo de Vasconcellos. Entrelaçamento de círculos ea formação das ciências sociais na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Dissertation, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2000.
  • Adelia Maria Miglievich-Ribeiro: Marina de Vasconcellos e as ciências sociais cariocas. A perspectiva dos círculos sociais. In: História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos , Rio de Janeiro, Volume 15, 2008, Supplement, pp. 17–41 ( online , Portuguese).
  • Adelia Miglievich-Ribeiro: Marina de Vasconcellos: guardiã da memória e professora - A história da Antropologia na cidade do Rio de Janeiro a partir de Arthur Ramos. In: Perspectiva Sociológica , No. 6/7, 2011 ( online , Portuguese).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. New orthography according to the Portuguese Orthography Convention 1990 .
  2. Old orthography with voiceless consonants.
  3. Paulo Roberto Azeredo: Antropólogos e Pioneiros. A história da Sociedade Brasileira de Antropologia e Etnologia. FFLCH / USP, São Paulo 1986.
  4. Adelia Maria Miglievich-Ribeiro: Marina de Vasconcellos eo IFCS / UFRJ em tempos extraordinários: AI-5, repressão, conflitos e sentido da universidade pública. In: Tempo negro, temperatura sufocante. Estado e sociedade no Brasil do AI-5. Puc-Rio / Contraponto, Rio de Janeiro 2008, pp. 229-257.
  5. ^ Library website (Portuguese).