Mario Luzi

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Mario Luzi (born October 20, 1914 in Castello near Florence , † February 28, 2005 in Florence) was an Italian poet and essayist . Luzi studied French literature and initially worked as a high school teacher and from 1955 as a professor of Romance literature and comparative literature


As a student he found access to the circle of hermeticists , whose best-known representatives are Eugenio Montale , Giuseppe Ungaretti and Salvatore Quasimodo . Among the intellectuals in Florence, the "ermetismo" was by no means the standpoint of a minority, but rather the literary attitude of a self-contained community that prevailed at the time. Stylistically and thematically, they sought the distance to the propaganda of the fascists . In a kind of inner exile, questions about human life should be asked and answered free of the political zeitgeist. The secret of life was sought - the “verità del mondo”. The language in the service of dictatorship, for example futurism , in which violence and the motive of technical speed were glorified, was contrasted by "ermetismo" with an ostensibly dark and closed - that is, hermetic - language. Mario Luzi had little contact with Eugenio Montale, who lived in Florence from 1927 to 1938, but maintained an intensive exchange with Piero Bigongiari , Oreste Macrì , Carlo Bo and Leone Traverso . In 1935 he published his first volume of poetry «La barca». In contrast to his more secularized companions, Mario Luzi found himself in what he described as a painful inner conflict with Catholicism , from which he was alienated, but which continued to have a decisive influence on his thinking and writing. He finished his studies in 1936 with a thesis on François Mauriac , the ideologically close main representative of the Renouveau catholique . Luzi maintained this mental attitude in the main until the end of his life. He became known to the German-speaking reading public mainly through the volume of poems "Wein und Ocker".

He is the recipient of the Premio internazionale di poesia ›Gabriele d'Annunzio‹ . In 1987 he was awarded the Antonio Feltrinelli Prize . In 2004 Luzi was appointed Senator for life by the Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi .


  • Tutte le poesie. 2 volumes. Milan 1979.
    • Volume 1: Il giusto della vita.
    • Volume 2: Nell'opera del mondo.
  • La cordigliera delle Ande e altri versi tradotti. Turin 1983.
  • Discorso naturale. Milan 1984.
  • Tutte le poesie. Milan 1988.
  • Scritti. Edited by Giancarlo Quirinconi. Venice 1989.
  • Frasi e incisi di un canto salutare. Milan 1990.
  • L'alta, la cupa fiamma. Poetry 1935–1984. Edited by Maurizio Cucchi and Giovanni Raboni. Milan 1990.


  • Poems / poetry. Selected and translated by Gio Batta Bucciol and Irmgard B. Perfahl. Narr, Tübingen 1989.
  • Wine and ocher. Poems in Italian and German . Selection, translation and epilogue by Hanno Helbling. Klett-Cotta Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-608-95881-9 .


  • Mario Luzi: The color of poetry. Conversation with Wulf Kirsten. Zeitschrift Sinn und Form, Issue 1, 1994 Aufbau-Verlag Berlin (also: Rütten & Loening).
  • Michael Krüger (Ed.): Akzente. Journal for Literature, Issue September 5, 1988: Mario Luzi and Giorgio Caproni: Italian Poetry . Hanser.
  • Manfred Lentzen: Italian poetry of the 20th century. From the avant-garde of the first decades to a new inwardness. Analecta Romanica series, issue 53. Klostermann, Frankfurt a. M. 1994, ISBN 3-465-02654-3 , pp. 179-195.
  • Guido Schmidlin: Why poets? About Mario Luzi. In: Accents. Journal of Literature. Issue 4, 2007.
  • Cronologia della vita e delle opere di Mario Luzi. (Chronicle of the Life and Works of ML) (Italian). In: Mario Luzi: Libro di Ipazia . Drama, Milano: Ed. Rizzoli, 2nd edition 1980 (French: Livre d'Hypatie Théâtre. Traduit et préfacé par Bernard Simeone ISBN 2-86432-197-1 . On the French publisher 's pages : Résumé, Extrait du texte, Extraits de presse editions-verdier. fr )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Stauder: Restless Religiosity - For the 100th birthday of the Italian poet Mario Luzi . In: NZZ . October 20, 2014, p. 34 .