Mario Tiberini

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Mario Tiberini, around 1870

Mario Tiberini ( 8. September 1826 in San Lorenzo in Campo - 16th October 1880 in Reggio Emilia ) was an Italian opera singer of the vocal range tenor . He sang for twenty-five years at major opera houses in Europe and America and has participated in a number of world premieres, including the second version of Verdi's La forza del destino and the world premiere of Faccio's Amleto .

life and work

Tiberini was born in the Marche . He studied in Rome with Domenico Lucilla and in Naples with Emanuele de Rosas. In 1851 he made his debut at the Teatro Argentina in Rome as Idreno in Rossini's Semiramide . He then sang at various provincial stages in Italy, including the Teatro Riccardi in Bergamo. From 1854 he toured North and South America with various Italian opera companies. He also gave solo concerts in New York and Boston, hosted by Impresario Bernard Ullman . This announced the tenor as a descendant of the Roman emperor Tiberius .

After his return to Europe in 1858, Tiberini was hired as primo tenore at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona. There he met the soprano Angiolina Ortolani , who was engaged in the title role of Linda di Chamounix , and fell in love with her. Soprano and tenor married on April 14, 1859 in Barcelona. From then on, until the end of both careers, the couple performed mostly together and gave numerous premieres and world premieres in twos. On May 30, 1865, the two singers as Hamlet and Ophelia in Amleto , premiered at the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa, helped the composer Franco Faccio to a great success. However, when the opera was scheduled for La Scala in Milan in 1871 and Tiberini had to sing despite indisposition, the work immediately disappeared from the repertoire and was forgotten for 143 years.

From 1875 his vocal power decreased and slowly signs of mental confusion began to show. He spent his last months in a sanatorium in Reggio nell'Emilia , cared for by his wife, and died there at the age of 54. An entry on a lithograph in the Biblioteca Trivulziana in Milan says that he died believing he was Manrico, the tragic hero from Verdi's Il trovatore . But this may also be a theater legend, because Denise Gallo writes in The Cambridge Verdi Encyclopedia that there is no reference to this in the sanatorium files.


Mario Tiberini as Amleto , 1865

Tiberini was buried at the Cimitero Monumentale di Milano . The sculpture on his grave is by Pietro Fumeo (1831–1898) and shows a broken column, entwined with ivy. The inscription lists his most important roles: Edgardo , Arturo , Corradino , Raul , Lohengrin and Alvaro .

Interior view of the Teatro Mario Tiberini in San Lorenzo in Campo

In 1880, four months after his death, the Teatro Trionfo in San Lorenzo in Campo was renamed the Teatro Mario Tiberini in his memory . The street in which the theater is located now also bears his name.

Roles in world premieres (selection)

Web links

Commons : Mario Tiberini  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Eduardo Rescigno: Dictionnaire Verdiano , Rizzoli, 2001, p 529th
  2. a b "Tiberini". In: L'Almanacco di Gherardo Casaglia .
  3. a b Giosetta Guerra: Mario Tiberini, tenore (1826-1880): Una gloria del passato marchigiana , Associazione musicale Mario Tiberini 2005, p 19 and 324-334.
  4. a b Rodolfo Celletti: Voce di tenore , IdeaLibri 1989, pp. 147-148.
  5. Karl-Josef Kutsch , Leo Riemens : Large singer lexicon . Volume 4, p. 5191.
  6. ^ Denise Gallo: Tiberini, Mario. In: The Cambridge Verdi Encyclopedia , Cambridge University Press 2005, p. 734.
  7. Giovanna Ginex: The Monumental Cemetery of Milan: Historical Guide , 1996, p. 129.
  8. Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino: San Lorenzo in Campo - Teatro 'M.Tiberini' (già Trionfo) ( Memento of the original of July 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Retrieved on July 22, 2016 (Italian)