Martín Fassi

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Martín Fassi (born November 14, 1960 in San Isidro ) is an Argentine clergyman and Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop in San Isidro .


Martín Fassi studied at the Diocesan Seminary in San Isidro and was ordained a priest on December 14, 1984 . He was in the formation of priests at the regional seminary Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación in Resistencia , as a missionary in Cuba and as a pastor in Pacheco . Eventually he was appointed Vicar General of the Diocese of San Isidro.

Pope Francis appointed him titular bishop of Dionysiana and auxiliary bishop in San Isidro on November 17, 2014 . He was ordained episcopate on December 11th of the same year by the Bishop of San Isidro, Óscar Vicente Ojea . Co- consecrators were the old bishop of San Isidro, Alcides Jorge Pedro Casaretto , and the bishop of Río Gallegos , Miguel Ángel D'Annibale .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Nomina dell'Ausiliare di San Isidro (Argentina). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , November 17, 2014, accessed November 17, 2014 (Italian).