Martha Weber

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Martha Weber (* 13. April 1904 in Wiesa , Ore ; † 3. September 1998 in Lützschena ; pseudonym Martha Liebscher ) was a erzgebirgische poet.


She came from a simple rural background, learned to be a shoe stepper and worked for many years as a homeworker for the trimmings industry. Only when she was over fifty (1955) did she come to the "Johannes R. Becher" literary institute in Leipzig , where Louis Fürnberg became aware of her and made her first volumes of poetry possible in dialect and standard German. Martha Weber lived in Wiesa, later in Schönfeld . From 1954 to 1965 she was a community representative there. She was a member of the German Writers 'Association (later the Writers' Association of the GDR). She spent the last years of her life in Lützschena near Leipzig, where she died and was buried.

Her estate is now in the archive of the Berlin Academy of the Arts .


  • Unnr Hamit. Dialect poems. Leipzig: Hofmeister 1939
  • The mountain ash: poems. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag 1960
  • When the barley ripens: stories and Poems. Berlin: VOB Union Verlag Berlin 1963
  • The birch: poems. Berlin; Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag 1972
  • Am Weissdornhag: Poems. (Selection and compilation by Armin Zeißler ) Berlin: Verlag Tribüne 1977
  • From the book of life: poems and letter lines. (Selection and compilation by Wolfgang Behring) Annaberg: Verlag Erzgebirgs-Rundschau 1992 ISBN 3-929572-00-1
  • Happy Christmas: poems. (Selection Wolfgang Behring) Annaberg: Verlag Erzgebirgs-Rundschau 1994 ISBN 3-929572-06-0
  • The words summer magic tore me away: poems. Husum: Verlag der Nation 2000 ISBN 3-373-00511-6


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