Martin Altmeyer

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Martin Altmeyer (born May 9, 1948 in Völklingen (Saar)) is a German psychologist , author and publicist who has emerged in particular through his work on the modernization of psychoanalysis .


Altmeyer comes from a Protestant pastor's family as one of four siblings . He first studied German and English in order to begin studying psychology at Frankfurt's Johann Wolfgang Goethe University after spending one year abroad in the USA . Here he was involved in the student movement . In 1976 he completed his studies with a diploma.

After two years as a scientific assistant in the field of educational research, he began working as a clinical therapist in 1979 and took part in the psychiatry reform project . In 1985 he was recognized as a specialist psychologist for clinical psychology by the Association of German Psychologists (BDP). In the following years he worked in a leading position in the areas of psychological services or personnel development and further training and since 1994 he has been working in his own practice. In 1996 he was recognized as a supervisor (BDP).

In 1999 he received his doctorate in medicine from Stavros Mentzos . In the year of his doctorate, he began to work as a journalist. Altmeyer publishes numerous articles in which he comments on contemporary issues. He has lived in Frankfurt am Main since 1969 . Altmeyer is married and has two sons.

Based on a critical revision of the psychoanalytic theory of narcissism , Altmeyer pleads for a " relational psychoanalysis ". He observes a paradigm shift within the human sciences , where with the abandonment of thinking in subject-object relations, a change took place in favor of fundamental intersubjectivity , and draws attention to the consequences of this change for psychoanalysis .

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