Material evidence

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Material Evidence is an international exhibition project organized by Benjamin Hiller and Wladislaw Schurigin and funded by the Moscow newspaper Schurnalistskaya Pravda . Thematically, the version last shown in New York dealt with the civil war in Syria in 2011 and the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine from 2013 to 2014. Euromaidan Press accused the organizers of having connections with the Russian New Right . Benjamin Hiller, who had acted as curator in New York, did not wish to be associated with the project in July 2015 because of “disinformation” and the “unjournalistic approach”.


Pictures by photojournalists such as Khalit Safin, Aybulat Akbutin, Andrei Stenin , Benjamin Hiller and others were shown. a., supplemented by items from the conflict areas that were shown in the pictures.


The project comprised several different exhibitions that were shown between December 2013 and April in Russia, Belgium, Germany and the USA.

On December 23, 2014, the first exhibition in the series opened under the title Weschdoki. Siria ( Russian Вещдоки. Сирия ) in Moscow . It showed pictures that the photographers Aybulat Akbutin and Halit Safin had taken on a research trip together with the military journalist Ilja Kramnik. The exhibition was presented and organized by Shurnalistskaya Pravda . From February 15th to 25th she was on view in the Russian city of Ufa and from March 7th in Grozny .

A second exhibition dealt with the violent riots during the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine . It was shown in Moscow from April 8-22, 2014. The Russian news agency Ria Novosti named Vladislav Shurigin as the organizer.

In May 2014, at the beginning of June, a new exhibition with images from Syria and the Ukraine under the title “Material Evidence” was shown first in Brussels and from June 2014 in Berlin . This version of the exhibition was in New York City from September 21 to October 11 .

The fourth show in the series showed photos from the conflict areas in Iraq and Afghanistan . It was shown in Moscow from January 15 to 29, 2015, in Berlin in February and in Brussels in March 2015.

Because of its propaganda content, the last exhibition for the time being went to Donbass. 365 days of ATO international attention. It was in Moscow in April 2015 and discussed the war in Ukraine .


According to the organizers, Material Evidence has already been visited by more than 50,000 people worldwide.

According to curator Benjamin Hiller, when the exhibition was in New York, it was the target of an attack by neo-Nazis who were disturbed by the depiction of Ukraine. The attackers sprayed Hiller with pepper spray , rioted, smeared some of the pictures with black paint and left leaflets with symbols of the Ukrainian battalion Azov , which is considered to be the right-wing extremist . Therefore, American anti-fascists suspect a New York section of the Right Sector behind the act.


The New York exhibition and the associated advertising campaign on public buses aroused criticism and the like. a. by the singer Ruslana Lyschytschko , who accused the creators of doing pro-Russian propaganda and having connections to the politician Svetlana Sakharova . Journalist Mat Babiak accused the organizers of being part of a right-wing extremist network because co-organizer Vladislav Shurigin is a member of the National Bolshevik Party and editor-in-chief of the Moscow-based national patriotic magazine Sawtra . Moreover, it is Schurigin member Isborsky Club , an association of conservative and anti-democratic intellectuals of the as Querfrontler controversial writer Alexander Prokhanov is headed.

In connection with the exhibition, the organizers are offering substantial financial grants for journalists. The donors behind it are unknown. The associated domain was registered in Saint Petersburg , the Whois data are identical to those of a number of anti-American websites in Russian.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Вещдоки, которые удалось вывезти из Киева, теперь на выставке в Москве , 5 Channel Russia. April 8, 2014. Retrieved October 9, 2014. 
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