Mathias Gansterer

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Mathias Gansterer, entrepreneur in Vienna (Gansterergasse)

Mathias Gansterer (born February 20, 1791 in Payerbach , Lower Austria ; † December 28, 1849 in Ottakring ) was an entrepreneur in the Ottakring community , the eponymous part of today's 16th district of Vienna Ottakring . The Gansterergasse in Vienna-Ottakring was named after him.


Mathias Gansterer owned properties, an inn and a brick kiln in Ottakring. From 1827 Mathias Gansterer tried at the same time as Paul Wurlitzer (Wurlitzergasse) for a "coffee house justice" ( concession ) to run a coffee house in Ottakring. Paul Wurlitzer was awarded this in 1837 and Mathias Gansterer in 1840. He then built the second Ottakringer coffee house on his property C. Nr. (= Conscription number ) 77 (later 81, today Ottakringer Straße Nr. 102).

From 1834 Mathias Gansterer was adjudicator of the Ottakring village court under the local judge Anton Seeböck (Seeböckgasse).

In the house of Mathias Gansterer in the revolutionary year 1848 the guardroom of the Ottakringer National Guard ( civil guard ) was located under the division commander Josef Grüllemayr (Grüllemeiergasse).

Towards the end of the German War (1866) there were four assembly points for the vigilante groups in Ottakring, one of them in front of the “Ganster's Coffee House”.

Coffeehouse Gansterer

The Ganstererteich, which today is only reminiscent of the street name Teichgasse (in the Hernals district ), was accidentally created while digging a well. It was used economically in winter to extract ice. Mathias Gansterer built a bathing establishment near the Ganstererteich. Later the pond was filled in.


Mathias Gansterer had several children with his wife Josefa (née Sommer). His daughter Josefa (1833–1907) married Ferdinand Mathias Baldia (1818–1869), local councilor in Ottakring, after whom Baldiagasse was named. Their son Ferdinand Baldia (1860–1936) became an architect in Vienna-Ottakring. Mathias Gansterer was buried at the Ottakringer Friedhof .


  • Karl Schneider: History of the community Ottakring. Self-published by the History Comité of the Ottakring community, Vienna 1892.
  • Ottakring, a home book of the 16th Viennese district. published by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Heimatkunde in Ottakring, Österreichischer Schulbücherverlag, Vienna 1924.