Matthew BJ Delaney

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Matthew BJ Delaney, 2016

Matthew BJ Delaney (also known as Matthew Delaney ) is an American writer and a member of the New York City Police Department . He grew up in Sudbury , Massachusetts .


Delaney received his bachelor's degree in economics from Dartmouth College , New Hampshire and his master’s degree in administration from Harvard University . After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 , he left his job in the financial industry and went to New York City to start as a police officer.

In addition to his main job, he also works as an author. His first novel Jinn was published in 2004 in English and in German-speaking countries as a demon in spring 2005. The film rights to the book were sold to Touchstone Pictures before it was even completed . His second novel Golem was published directly in German in September 2010; an English edition is not planned to date. His third novel, Black Rain , was published in early September 2016 . In July 2017 his new novel The Memory Agent was published .

He currently remains in Brooklyn as a Special Ops Lieutenant in a Violent Crime Unit.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Matthew BJ Delaney: The current state of American healthcare. In: Boing Boing . October 24, 2016, accessed January 9, 2017 .
  2. Dag Rambraut: Interview with Matthew BJ Delaney, author of Black Rain. In: SFFWorld. October 8, 2016, accessed January 9, 2017 .