Matthew Fox (theologian)

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Matthew Fox (born December 21, 1940 in Madison , Wisconsin ) is an American priest and theologian . He is a representative of the so-called "creation spirituality", a movement that focuses on medieval mystics and theologians such as hll. Hildegard von Bingen , Thomas von Aquin , Meister Eckhart and Nikolaus von Kues refer to.


Fox was baptized with the first name Timothy James. In 1967 he was ordained a priest and took the name Matthew (after the evangelist Matthew ). He gained at the Catholic University Aquinas Institute of Theology (St. Louis, Missouri ) to Master Accounts, both in philosophy and in theology . Fox then obtained his doctorate in philosophy with summa cum laude from the Institut Catholique de Paris ( Paris , France ). Because of controversial doctrinal statements, Fox lost the Missio canonica in 1988 through the then head of the Papal Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger . In 1992 he was released from the Dominican Order .

In 1994 the Episcopal Church of the United States ordained him . Fox was ordained by Bishop William Swing in the Diocese of California.

Foxen's books, especially Original Blessing (1983) and The Coming of the Cosmic Christ (1988, German Vision of the Cosmic Christ , 1991) initiated the movement of creation spirituality. In his 1996 autobiography Confessions: The Making of a Post-Denominational Priest , Fox describes his life with the Dominicans and the differences with the Roman Catholic Church over his understanding of early Christianity. Fox is the author of 22 other spiritual books. Fox wrote two books with British biologist and parapsychologist Rupert Sheldrake .

Fox initially taught at Holy Names College in Oakland , California , where he was director of the Institute for Culture and Creation Spirituality ("Institute for Culture and Creation Spirituality"). After further controversy over his controversial theses, Fox founded his own university in Oakland in 1996 , the University of Creation Spirituality, which was renamed Wisdom University (University of Wisdom) in early 2005 . The school advocates alternative forms of ecumenical worship and the connection of liturgy with rituals of the Native Americans ( e.g. sweat lodges ) or pagan natural rituals.

Fox advocates the form of devotional "cosmic mass" (The Cosmic Mass, TCM), which combines western liturgical elements, live and electronic music, multimedia elements, as well as Asian and indigenous religious elements.

On Pentecost weekend 2005 Matthew Fox beat his own 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg , where Martin Luther and his theses in 1517 the Reformation had caused. In his theses, Fox calls for a new reformation of Christianity. In his book A New Reformation, which accompanies the campaign , Fox argues that there are already two "Christianities" and that it is time to take the Western spiritual tradition in a new direction.



  • Vision of the Cosmic Christ. Departure into the third millennium . Kreuz, Stuttgart 1991, ISBN 978-3-7831-1073-9 , hardback, 400 pages
  • Creation Spirituality. Healing and Deliverance for the First World . Kreuz, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 978-3-7831-1231-3 , 189 pages, paperback
  • Angel - the cosmic intelligence . (together with Rupert Sheldrake ), Kösel, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-466-36691-7 , 335 pages (paperback 2005)
  • The soul is a field. The dialogue between science and spirituality . (together with Rupert Sheldrake ) Scherz, 2002, ISBN 978-3-502-61023-6 , 223 pages
  • Revolution of work. So that everyone lives and works sensibly . Kösel, Munich 2002, ISBN 978-3-466-36448-0 , hardback, 398 pages
  • Ratzinger and his crusade. A committed plea for spirituality of creation instead of dogma power . ARUN, Bielefeld 2011, ISBN 978-3-86663-065-9 , hardback, 308 pages


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