Matthias Young

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Matthias Junge (born May 5, 1960 in Bonn ) is a German sociologist and professor of sociological theories and history of theory at the University of Rostock .

After graduating from Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Gymnasium Bonn (1980), boy did community service in a dormitory for the mentally handicapped. From 1981 to 1983 he studied social work at the University of Applied Sciences Bamberg to undergraduate and then switched to the study of sociology at the University of Bamberg , where he obtained his diploma in 1987 and 1995 doctorate . Until 1993, Junge was also the editor of the Sociological Review . For the second half of 1998, Junge was a visiting professor at the University of Maryland . In 2000 , he completed his habilitation in sociology at the Technical University of Chemnitz as a scholarship holder from the Volkswagen Foundation . After that he was first scientific assistant , then scientific senior assistant at the TU Chemnitz with Ditmar Brock . For the academic years 2001/02 and 2003/04 Junge took on a substitute professorship for cultural sociology and general sociology at the University of Leipzig and then (for one month) a substitute professorship for sociological theories and history of theory at the University of Rostock . Junge has been a full professor there since November 2004.

Young research focuses on sociological theory, social theory , cultural sociology and youth sociology . He is co-editor of an anthology on failure as a neglected research and topic area within sociology .

Fonts (selection)

  • Forever young? Young adults in East and West Germany. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1995 (also dissertation).
  • Ambivalent sociability. The modernization of socialization and the order to cope with ambivalence. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 2000 (plus habilitation thesis).
  • Customization. Campus, Frankfurt am Main / New York 2002.
  • with G. Lechner (Ed.): Failure - Aspects of a Social Phenomenon. VS, Wiesbaden 2004.
  • Zygmunt Bauman. VS, Wiesbaden 2006.
  • George Ritzer. In: Stephan Moebius & Dirk Quadflieg (Hrsg.): Culture. Present theories. VS, Wiesbaden 2006. ISBN 3-531-14519-3
  • Georg Simmel compact. Transcript, Bielefeld 2009, ISBN 978-3-89942-701-1 .

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