Matthias von Krockow

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Matthias von Krockow (born July 11, 1600 in Prussia royal share , † March 16, 1675 in Kolberg ) was a statesman, diplomat and administrative lawyer in Polish and Brandenburg services.


Born in the autonomous Polish Prussia , he completed his first school education in Gdansk and only learned the Polish language there. He studied public and private law in Wittenberg , Jena , Tübingen , Strasbourg and in Frankfurt (Oder) . He then went on an educational trip that took him through Holland , France , England and Scotland . When he returned to Pomerania, he was appointed court advisor to Bogislaw XIV. Dissatisfied with the demands of this task, he turned to the court administration in 1636 and after his death and the partitioning of Pomerania, he became the resident of the King of Poland, John II Casimir .

He sent him to represent Polish interests as a resident to the peace negotiations in Münster and Osnabrück . In Osnabrück he realized that the representatives of Sweden were trying to dispute Hinterpommern with the Brandenburg elector. He made the Brandenburg representatives Matthias Wesenbeck II and Johann Fromhold familiar with secret information from the French embassy, ​​which they found very useful and strengthened their position vis-à-vis Sweden. When he returned to his Polish employer, he was generously endowed with honors and money. Following his conscience, he accepted an offer from Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg to Berlin as a real privy councilor.

However, due to his knowledge of the situation, the Brandenburg elector used him as a diplomat. So he regulated in April 1651 at the court of Emperor Ferdinand III. in Vienna, the questions about the course of the Pomeranian border and achieved that the representatives of Sweden were not admitted to the Reichstag. In October 1652 he himself was an envoy to the Regensburg Reichstag , where his intervention prevented the Swedes from having a seat. After that he devoted himself mainly to the administration of the Brandenburg court in Kolberg , received the title of court president from the Brandenburg elector in 1672, the office of the castle judge and the main team of Saatzig for life.

See also
