Maureen Dragone

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Maureen Dragone (born January 20, 1920 in Phoenix , Arizona as Maureen Laing , † February 8, 2013 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American journalist and author . She was one of the longtime members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association presenting the annual Golden Globe Awards . In 1978 she founded the Young Artist Association , which awards the Young Artist Awards .


Maureen Dragone was born Maureen Laing in January 1920 in Phoenix, the capital of the US state of Arizona. At the age of ten, she and her parents moved to North Hollywood , California, where she attended North Hollywood High School . Her father, a World War I Canadian veteran , Captain Alfred Benson Laing, was a journal writer and her mother, Nora Laing, was a correspondent for numerous international publications and a co-founder of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA). Discussions about the formation of the HFPA, which presented the first Golden Globe Awards in 1944 , are said to have taken place at the dining table in her parents' house.

She was married to Michael Dragone until his death in 1986 and had two children. In 1987 she became the partner of Dan Kitchel, with whom she spent the next 25 years until her death in 2013. In one of her last statements she was quoted as saying: “I did everything I ever wanted to do, and did it my way.” (Original: “I did everything that I ever wanted to do, and did it my way . “) Dragone died after a brief illness on February 8, 2013 in a nursing home in Los Angeles. After her death, a dedication to her was posted on the Golden Globes website. The Young Artist Association held a tribute in their honor at their 2013 Young Artist Awards ceremony .


Dragone has written for numerous international newspapers and magazines and has been said to have interviewed hundreds of celebrities over the course of her career. She was a member of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for more than 50 years and was considered a "recognized historian" by the HFPA. In 2005 she wrote the book Who Makes the Golden Globes Go Around? , which traces the history of the HFPA and its annual Golden Globe Awards . Prior to her death, she was the only living member of the HFPA to have attended all 70 Golden Globe awards and was honored with a "lifetime membership."

In 1978, Dragone founded the Youth in Film Association, now known as the Young Artist Association , which awards the annual Young Artist Awards to specifically recognize the outstanding achievements of child and youth actors that the entertainment industry otherwise overlooks for other industry awards when judged alongside their adult counterparts. The association also sponsors the Young Artist Foundation. This provides grants for promising young actors who could not meet the necessary financial requirements.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Maureen Dragone: Who Makes the Golden Globes Go Around? . Highstream Press, North Hollywood, CA 2005, ISBN 0-9761776-0-9 .
  2. Gus Ruelas: Sunday Woman - Maureen Dragone . In: Los Angeles Daily News . July 24, 1994. Retrieved May 6, 2013.
  3. ^ Obituaries - Nora Laing . In: Associated Press . December 4, 1982. Retrieved May 6, 2013.
  4. a b c d AnaMaria: Maureen Dragone, Lifetime HFPA Member, Dies . In: Hollywood Foreign Press Association . February 10, 2013. Archived from the original on April 14, 2013. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved May 6, 2013. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. a b c d Mike Barnes: Maureen Dragone, Who Attended Every Golden Globes Ceremony, Dies at 93 . In: The Hollywood Reporter . February 14, 2013. Retrieved May 6, 2013.
  6. a b c d Maureen Dragone, HFPA historian, dies at 93 . In: . February 14, 2013. Retrieved May 6, 2013.
  7. a b c d R.IP Maureen Dragone . In: . February 15, 2013. Retrieved May 6, 2013.
  8. Obituaries - Michael Dragone . In: Record-Journal . September 10, 1986. Retrieved May 6, 2013.
  9. Maureen Dragone: Annual Young Artist Awards - President's Message . In: . Retrieved on May 6, 2013.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /