Max-Théodore Cerfberr

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Max-Théodore Cerfberr

Max-Théodore Cerfberr (born December 9, 1792 in Nancy , † January 15, 1876 in Paris ) was a French officer and member of parliament .


Max-Théodore Cerfberr, son of the merchant Théodore Cerfberr and grandson of Cerf Beer , married his cousin Elisa Adèle Augustine Ratisbonne, daughter of Auguste Ratisbonne , banker and president of the Consistoire israélite du Bas-Rhin , and of Adélaïde Cerfberr. His wife was the sister of Théodore and Alphonse Ratisbonne . His brother was the captain of the artillery Alphonse Théodore Cerfberr (1791-1859).


He was first farmer in Upper Willer in Sarrebourg , but was, without ever having visited the military academy, under I. Emperor Napoléon officer. In 1827 he became captain of the general staff , in 1834 he became chief d'escadron and then secretary of the general staff in the War Ministry . In 1839 he became head of the cabinet of War Minister Antoine Virgile Schneider (1779–1847).

On July 9, 1842, he was given a seat in the Chamber of Deputies as a representative of Weißenburg ( Bas-Rhin ) . In the election he had received 86 of 161 votes, while the defeated MP Léon Renouard de Bussierre (1808-1893), son of Athanase Paul Renouard de Bussierre (1776-1846) had received only 71 votes. On August 1, 1846, he was re-elected to the Chamber of Deputies as a colonel. In the election he had received 119 out of 218 votes, while Renouard de Bussierre received only 95 votes.

After the February Revolution of 1848 he withdrew into private life.

From 1846 to 1871 he was president of the Consistoire central israélite , the highest organization of Judaism in France.

Publications (selection)

  • Discours prononcé dans le temple, par M. Cerfberr, président du consistoire central des israélites, à l'occasion de l'installation de M. le grand rabbin, le lundi 30 November 1846. 1846.
  • De la nécessité de constituer le corps des officiers de santé dans l'armée et pour l'armée. 1848.
  • You vote de l'armée. 1850.
  • Société de protection des apprentis et des enfants employés dans les manufactures, reconnue comme établissement d'utilité publique. (Décret du 4 Juillet 1868). Notice on the condition des apprentis et des enfants dans les campagnes de l'Est. 1869.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Documents on his career and admission to the Legion of Honor on the website of the French National Archives.
  2. Romuald Szramkiewicz: Les Regents et censeurs de la Banque de France nommés sous le Consulat et l'Empire. Geneva 1974, p. 171 ( online ); Alain Maureau, Germaine Peyron-Montagnon, André Palluel-Guillard: Grands notables du Premier Empire: notices de biographie sociale. Volume 3, Éditions du Center national de la recherche scientifique, Paris 1978, p. 33 ( preview in the Google book search); Georges Foessel: Léon Renouard de Bussierre. In: Nouveau dictionnaire de biographie alsacienne. Volume 5, Strasbourg 1984, p. 433.