Max Georg Giesecke

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Geese and seagulls in flight

Max Georg Giesecke (born April 17, 1866 in Berlin ; † after 1930 there ) was a German marine painter.

Giesecke was a student at the educational establishment at the Royal Museum of Applied Arts in Berlin . He then studied at the Grand Ducal Baden Art School in Karlsruhe with Gustav Schönleber . He spent some time in Chemnitz, after which he continued his studies from January 8, 1897 at the Royal Academy of Arts in Munich with Paul Hoecker . He went on study trips to Italy , England , Iceland and Norway .

Max Georg Giesecke took part in the Great Berlin Art Exhibition from 1894 to 1900 , sent the exhibitions of the Berlin Secession from 1899 and the exhibitions of the Free Secession Berlin from 1915 . He worked as a freelance artist in Berlin. His works, which were almost exclusively devoted to maritime themes, showed the influence of Expressionism.


Web links

Commons : Max Georg Giesecke  - Collection of images, videos and audio files