Max Heilmann

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Max Heilmann (born April 7, 1869 in Schmiedeberg in the Riesengebirge , † January 27, 1956 in Scharnebeck ) was a German graphic artist and painter.


Max Hermann Ludwig Heilmann, son of a conductor and later innkeeper, attended the secondary school in Breslau and studied from 1885 at the Breslau art and trade school and at the Weimar art academy . Ten years later he passed the exam as an academic drawing teacher. A year later he became a teacher of drawing, music and sports at the Friedrichsgymnasium in Frankfurt (Oder) and married his childhood sweetheart Marta Augstein.

Heilmann founded painting circles for gifted students, gave specialist lectures in the art association and created works that could be seen in art dealers and at exhibitions. He exhibited in the Great Berlin Art Exhibition , in the Munich Glass Palace , in the Great Art Exhibition in Düsseldorf (1909), the Great Art Exhibition in Hanover (1912) and in Dresden .

Max Heilmann was a Freemason and since 1906 a member of the Frankfurt Johannisloge "Zum aufrichtigen Herzen". Around 1929 he painted the interior walls of the lodge building. In 1945 the 76-year-old fled to Adendorf near Lüneburg, where he was taken in by friends. He never returned to Frankfurt.

Heilmann worked as a landscape painter and eraser. Works by him can be found in the art collections of Veste Coburg (Kupferstichkabinett) and the East Prussian State Museum (painting Tal des Schweigens , oil on canvas, 1928, 2002 part of the local exhibition “Wunderland Spit ”). On the occasion of his 150th birthday, a solo exhibition took place in the Viadrina Museum in 2019 , in which 30 of his works - mainly with motifs from the city of Frankfurt - and parts of his estate were shown.



  • Sigrid Riedel: Meticulous Frankfurt chronicler. In: Märkische Oderzeitung . April 4, 2019, p. 17 ( web link )
  • Heilmann, Max . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 16 : Hansen – Heubach . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1923, p. 276 .
  • Heilmann, Max . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 6 , supplements H-Z . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1962, p. 36 .
  • Joachim Kruse: From Menzel to Beuys: from the Kupferstichkabinett of the Veste Coburg art collections. Coburg 1992 (exhibition catalog).
  • Jörn Barfod, Elisabeth Boser, Jutta Mannes: Nidden. The artists' colony on the Curonian Spit. Zweckverband Dachau Galleries and Museums, Dachau 2009 (catalog for the exhibition of the same name in the Dachau Gemäldegalerie ).

Individual evidence

  1. June 15 to October 20, 2002: Wunderland Spit. Retrieved April 12, 2019.
  2. ^ Sigrid Riedel: Max Heilmann. Meticulous Frankfurt chronicler., April 4, 2019. Retrieved April 12, 2019.