Maxime Bernier

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Maxime Bernier

Maxime Bernier (born January 18, 1963 in Saint-Georges , Québec ) is a Canadian politician . He is the founder and current leader of the People's Party of Canada.


After attending school, the son of the former member of the Lower House, Gilles Bernier, first studied commercial management at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (BA Commerce). He then completed postgraduate studies in law at the University of Ottawa .

After completing his studies, Bernier worked in the private sector and most recently from 2003 to 2005 Vice President for Corporate Affairs of the insurance company Standard Life of Canada . He was also temporarily vice president of the Montreal Economic Institute. In 2006 he began his national political career for the Conservative Party with the election to the House of Commons. Since then he has represented the constituency of Beauce .

Immediately after the election, on February 6, 2006, Bernier was appointed Minister of Industry in the 28th Cabinet by Prime Minister Stephen Harper . After a government reshuffle, he succeeded Foreign Minister Peter MacKay on August 14, 2007 and held this office until his resignation on May 26, 2008. During his time as Foreign Minister, he was also Minister Plenipotentiary for Francophone Canadians . He was succeeded as Foreign Minister by the previous Minister for International Trade, David Emerson . The reason for Bernier's resignation was a scandal involving his former lover Julie Couillard, who had ties to the Hells Angels and in whose house he had left secret NATO documents.

Despite these circumstances, Bernier was re-elected in the general election on October 14, 2008 . Since January 2009 he has been chairman of the House Standing Committee on National Defense.

Bernier ran for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada in 2017 and lost to Andrew Scheer . In August 2018, Bernier resigned from the Conservative Party to create his own party because he did not agree with Scheer's party leadership. He founded the People's Party of Canada in September 2018.

Web links and sources

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Why I Am Leaving the Conservative Party of Canada. Retrieved October 9, 2019 .