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Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Cichlinae
Tribe : Geophagini
Genre : Mazarunia
Scientific name
Kullander , 1990

Mazarunia is a genus of small cichlids that is endemic to upper Mazaruni in Guiana in northeastern South America.


Mazarunia species are 5.5 to 8.5 cm long and have a typical squat cichlid shape. In terms of color, they are characterized by blackish spots with a lighter, gray to brownish basic color. They differ from all other species of cichlids of the Geophagini tribe . a. due to the lack of the sixth infraorbitalia (eye ring bones), scales of equal size on the lateral and lower chest region, smooth edges in the preoperculum , supracleithrum (a bone of the shoulder girdle) and extrascapulars (a skull bone), two or three tooth plates on the fourth ceratobranchiale (“lower Schlundkiefer ”) and an interrupted lateral line scaling . There are three rows of scales between the upper lateral line and the base of the dorsal fin. Mazarunia species have 26 vertebrae.


The genus Mazarunia was established in 1990 together with its type species Mazarunia mazarunii on the basis of two type specimens by the Swedish ichthyologist Sven O. Kullander . In 2012 , a team of ichthyologists described two more species. Mazarunia belongs to the Geophagini tribe and is the sister genus of Guianacara .


Currently (March 2015) three species are included in the genus Mazarunia :


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