Melas (son of Poseidon)

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Melas ( Greek  Μέλας ) is in Greek mythology a son of the god Poseidon and a nymph on the island of Chios .

According to a note by the playwright and historian Ion von Chios , which Pausanias has handed down to us , the god fathered not only Chios , the eponymous hero of the island, with a nymph , but also Melas and his twin brother Agelos with another nymph on the island, which was uninhabited at the time. All this happened after Pausanias before Oinopion emigrated to Chios with his sons Talos, Euanthes, Melas , Salagos and Athamas from Crete at the behest of his great-uncle Rhadamanthys .

Pseudo-Plutarch can tell of another son of Poseidon, who was also called Melas and is said to have been the namesake of the river in Egypt , initially called Melas, later called Nile .



  1. ^ Pausanias 7: 4, 8.
  2. ^ Pseudo-Plutarch, de fluviorum et montium nominibus 16, 1.