Melchior Hässi

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Melchior Hässi (* before 1559 , † after 1616 in Glarus ) was a Swiss politician. He was the son of Konrad Hässi, his brother was Gabriel Hässi .


Melchior Hässi was married to Margaretha Tschudi , daughter of Aegidius Tschudi , and to Anna Maria Hösli for the second time. He was initially a captain in the French service, then Glarus councilor and in 1571, 1579 and 1593 provincial governor, 1574 to 1578, 1582 to 1584 and 1596 to 1598 governor and several times federal diplomat.

During his tenure he mediated in 1573, 1603, 1607 at conferences in Chur and in 1604 with the Spanish governor in Milan . As a federal delegate, he renewed the alliance with the Gray League in 1576 and the union with the Ten Courts League in 1590 . In 1582 he represented the Confederation with Duke Karl Emmanuel of Savoy and in 1577 and 1590 with Archduke Ferdinand .

From 1612 to 1614 he was governor in Uznach and from 1614 to 1616 in Gaster .
