Melitta Breznik

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Melitta Breznik (* 1961 in Kapfenberg , Styria ) is an Austrian doctor and writer .


Melitta Breznik studied medicine in Graz and Innsbruck and did her doctorate in this subject. She completed her training as a general practitioner in Austria. This was followed by training as a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy in Solothurn and at the University Hospital Zurich . She was a senior physician at the Beverin Psychiatric Clinic in Cazis / Graubünden , at the Private Psychiatric Clinic at Zürichberg / Zurich and at the Hohenegg Psychiatric Clinic in Meilen . From 2004 to 2009 she ran a practice as a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy in the Swiss city of Chur . She then headed an anthroposophic psychosomatic rehabilitation clinic in Badenweiler . She then worked as a senior physician at the Schützen Rheinfelden Psychosomatic Clinic and, since 2016, at the Clinica Curativa in Scuol.

Melitta Breznik is the author of novels and stories that are influenced by family and professional experiences in psychiatry, deal with topics such as the cross-generational transmission of war trauma and have been praised by literary critics for their concise style.




  • Elin Nesje Vestli: Dimensional figure . An approach to the literary work of Melitta Breznik . Special print from: Yearbook for German literature research in Scandinavia 34: Copenhagen, Munich: Fink, 2012. Kobenhavn: Text & Context. 2012. pp. 97-118. ISSN  0105-7065

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hubert Spiegel: Snow in October. Melitta Breznik's impressive "night shift" . In:, November 4, 1995. Accessed on May 16, 2011: “But in addition to the precision of the language, the intensity of the presentation and the virtuosity with which Melitta Breznik uses her narrative means, it is not least the sovereign independence that impresses with this debut. "
  2. [1] , The best in July 2020, published and accessed July 1, 2020
  3. Martin Krumbholz: Touching portrait of a dying person , review on, published and accessed July 1, 2020