Meltdown - Days of Destruction

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German title Meltdown - Days of Destruction
Original title Meltdown
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2006
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Rick drew
script Rick drew
production Harvey Kahn
music Ron Ramin
camera Adam Sliwinski
cut Nicole Ratcliffe

Meltdown - Days of Destruction (Cross-reference: Meltdown - When the earth burns ) is an American disaster film from 2006 with Casper van Dien .


A the Earth approaching asteroid is with nuclear weapons shot to avoid a collision. The detonation fails and the asteroid splits into three parts, one part of which is still on a collision course with Earth. The fragment, which is the size of Iceland , barely misses the earth and causes a shift in the earth's orbit due to its mass . As planet earth is now moving closer to the sun , temperatures on the earth's surface are rising rapidly, reaching values ​​of 60 ° C and more.

As a result of the heat, drinking water is becoming scarce, and conditions similar to civil war arise, as in Los Angeles . Police officer Tom wants to get his family to safety and is planning a flight to the Arctic , where the temperatures are still bearable. On the way to the airport - partly underground in the sewage system - Tom and his family are threatened by criminals. When they finally get to the airfield, they learn that the plane they were supposed to fly to the Arctic has crashed. In the meantime, however, the earth's orbit has stabilized again, so that normal temperatures prevail again on the surface and it is even raining again.


"A genre mix with extremely conventional components, although neither the disaster film elements, nor the drama sprinkles or the crime parts are really convincing, but at best mix into an insignificant melange."


The film was released for the first time on February 22, 2007 on DVD and broadcast on September 16, 2007 on RTL II .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Meltdown - Days of Destruction in the Lexicon of International FilmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used