Melvin Moti

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Melvin Moti, 2020

Melvin Moti (* 1977 in Rotterdam , Netherlands ) is a Dutch photographer and video artist .

life and work

Moti's parents immigrated to the Netherlands from Suriname in 1975 . At the age of 17 he discovered his love for art and was accepted at the Academie Voor Beeldende Vorming in Tilburg in 1995 . He then worked from 1999 to 2001 at De Ateliers , an independent artists' institute in Amsterdam , where he came to video film through black and white photography .

The artist's cinematic work consists of video works in which he primarily deals with phenomena of the “invisible”. In the 24-minute film No Show (2004) he shows an empty, picture-less hall in the St. Petersburg Hermitage - evacuated during World War II , which only experiences movement through light and shadow plays and in which a museum employee (from the off ) of a group Soldiers describing the (absent) images in detail. In the 35 mm film The Prisoner's Chinema (2008) he shows phenomena that arise from the reduced stimulation of the real sense of perception ("head cinema"). Further works by the artist are: Stories from Surinam , 2002 (video film), Miamilism , 2008 (text work), Untitled , 2008 (object).

Moti also designs elaborately researched artist books , e.g. B. Eigenlicht (2012) on the expressiveness of self-luminous minerals .


“I do a lot of research, so I only make about one film a year. I'm always hunting for unknown documents and obscure evidence of something. I also collect everything I find in books, articles, pictures, and letters. The work then arises from this information. "

“I let the sound and the image collide. You never see what you hear, sound and image are completely separate from each other. The sound tells a story and the picture a completely different one. Together they create a whole new one. And that's what interests me. "

- Melvin Moti


Exhibitions (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kunsthalle zu Kiel (ed.): Systems: ars viva prize 2012/13 . S. 6 (exhibition brochure).
  2. On the pain of the ancestors: The video artist Melvin Moti. Deutschlandradio Kultur, April 7, 2008, accessed on February 22, 2013 .