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The metabolite ( Greek μεταβολίτης metabolítes , German , the Converted ' , plural: metabolites ) is an intermediate product ( intermediate ) in a mostly biochemical pathway .


Metabolites are the products of enzyme-catalyzed reactions that occur naturally in cells . To be classified as a metabolite, a compound must meet the following criteria:

  1. The metabolites are chemical compounds that are found within cells.
  2. Metabolites arise through the influence of enzymes .
  3. Metabolites must be able to enter into subsequent reactions
  4. The metabolites have a finite half-life ; they do not accumulate in cells.
  5. Many metabolites are regulators that control the individual steps of the metabolism.
  6. Metabolites must perform useful biological functions in the cell.

The metabolism (also metabolism ) consists of many individual series of enzymatic conversions that deliver specific products. These intermediate products (each reaction step has at least one substrate and at least one product ) are known as metabolites . The totality of the metabolites of a cell at a defined point in time is called the metabolome . Various side reactions can cause metabolite damage.


Secondary metabolites

Secondary metabolites are chemical compounds that are synthesized by certain living things ( bacteria , fungi , plants ). In contrast to primary metabolites such as sugar or amino acids , these substances are not essential for the producing organism.



Web links

Wiktionary: Metabolit  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Edward D. Harris, Biochemical Facts behind the Definition and Properties of Metabolites . US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Retrieved May 2, 2016.