Michael Jäger (journalist)

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Michael Jäger (* 1946 ) is a German author, editor and publicist.


Jäger was a student at the Erich-Hoepner-Gymnasium in West Berlin, which was renamed the Heinz-Berggruen-Gymnasium in 2008. As a graduate of the ancient language train, he also took part in events as part of the musical train. After graduating from high school in 1965, he studied political science and German at the Free University of Berlin . His final thesis in the first state examination was “Lenin's reception of Hegel's logic”. He was then a scientific tutor at the Psychological Institute of the Free University of Berlin between 1970 and 1978. The dissertation “Question and manhunt.” Submitted to Klaus Holzkamp came from his responsibility for science and epistemology . To specify the problem of rationality in scientific revolutions ”- graduation in 1981 - which was abridged, revised and supplemented in 1985 under the title“ The method of the scientific revolution ”published by Argument Verlag .

Between the end of 1978 and 1981, Jäger completed a legal traineeship at a Berlin high school , interrupted by a break in which he was finishing his dissertation . Then until the end of the 1980s he held teaching positions, for example at the University of Innsbruck , where he presented the approaches of Michel Foucault , Jean-Francois Lyotard and other “neo-structuralists” as well as the feminist philosopher Luce Irigaray . During this time he published a wealth of essays on party theory, more precisely on what he called the "two-block system", the system of two party camps in parliaments, which he distinguished under the influence of the "right" and "left" Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci as a political division and thus as a form of capital rule. In 1990 he joined the editorial team of the then founded weekly newspaper Freitag ; he still belongs to her today. When the post of editor-in-chief was established at the request of the then publishing house in 1992, he was chosen as the editor for the first year.

In 1990, Jäger's direct political involvement came to an end. Between 1970 and 1976 he was a member of the Socialist Unity Party of West Berlin (SEW). In 1974 he took part in a two-month training course at the Moscow Lenin Institute. In 1976 he wrote an internal party polemic against SEW's strategy and understanding of democracy and was therefore excluded. At the same time he was denied the extension of his contract as a scientific tutor because of a call for elections for this party, against which he successfully sued. In the following years he belonged to the Eurocommunist group “ Working Group West European Workers' Movement ” (AWA) initiated by Christoph Kievenheim . Later Jäger worked without being a member of the Greens, with the group “ Aufbruch 88 ” around Antje Vollmer , Ralf Fücks and Lukas Beckmann . For them he created the template for the appeal “Ecological Confederation of the Two German States - Commonality in Autonomy” (1990), which begins with the sentences he has formulated: “There is a German nation. The citizens of Dresden and Rostock belong to it as well as the citizens of Passau and Kiel. It was not because of the German crimes at Auschwitz that this nation forfeited its right to sovereignly answer the question of its statehood. But she must not answer blindly without drawing lessons from her story. "

In addition to the biweekly newspaper work, where he initially devoted himself mainly to party observation, the strategies for “leaving the earth”, named by his partner and work colleague, the German scholar Gudrun Kohn-Waechter (died 2013), came to the fore after 1990 as a research topic . Afterwards he dealt with theological literature for a long time because the researched figure could be interpreted as the secularization of "Ascension". The main result of this discussion was the extensive essay History Break as a Theological Category (2003).

Triggered by the recent global economic crisis, Jäger has been working on his blog series The Other Society since 2009 , in which he seeks to design an economic system without a logic of capital but with goods-money relationships, i.e. markets, that would be controlled by general economic choices. It would determine the economic proportions, for example the ratio of motorized individual transport to public transport or the use of renewable to non-renewable power generation sources. As part of his newspaper work, Jäger has also dealt more and more with musical topics, so he blogs regularly about the Berlin Festival for Current Music, MaerzMusik , and the Berlin Music Festival in September.


  • Marxism and party theory (with Wieland Elfferding and Thomas Scheffler). Argument-Verlag, Berlin 1983, ISBN 3-88619-091-9 .
  • The method of the scientific revolution. Argument-Verlag, Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-88619-137-0 .
  • Party system and power structure. In: E. Jurtschitsch, A. Rudnik, FO Wolf (eds.): Green and alternative yearbook 1986/1987. Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-88290-030-X , pp. 150-167.
  • The being of the sophists. Subject constitution through the destruction of the question game in Plato. In: WHERE IT WAS. 3-4, 1987, ISBN 3-213-00021-3 , pp. 145-165.
  • The problem of names at Lyotard. In: W. Reese-Schäfer, BHF Taureck (ed.): Jean-Francois Lyotard. Cuxhaven 1989, ISBN 3-926848-08-1 , pp. 87-104.
  • Problems and Perspectives of the Berlin Republic. Westphalian steam boat, Münster 1999, ISBN 3-89691-598-3 .
  • Capitalism as religion . To the non-simultaneity of the infinite striving. In: D. Zeilinger (Ed.): VorSchein. No. 27/28 (= yearbook of the Ernst Bloch Association 2006), ISBN 978-3-938286-32-6 , pp. 169–181.
  • We petty bourgeoisie. On the communicability of a socio-ecological program in class society. In: Commune. 4/2009, pp. 69-82. ISSN  0723-7669
  • Power bloc and parties at Poulantzas In: A. Demirovic, S. Adolfs, S. Karakayali (ed.): The understanding of the state by Nicos Poulantzas. Baden-Baden 2010, ISBN 978-3-8329-3887-1 , pp. 241-257.
  • with Thomas Seibert: all together. each for itself. the democracy of places. a pamphlet. VSA-Verlag, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-89965-502-5 .
  • Goethe's aesthetic sustainability formula. A Faust interpretation in discussion with Michael Jaeger. In: Commune. 6/2012, pp. 167-178. ISSN  0723-7669
  • Gender and party system. Left-Right - The Problem of the Wrong Fronts. KANN-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2015, ISBN 978-3-943619-30-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. From the conference organized by the AWA on “Methodical Requirements for a Strategy of the Labor Movement in the FRG”, which took place in November 1977 in West Berlin and at which Wolfgang Abendroth, Elmar Altvater, Joachim Bischoff, Martin Buchholz, Jörg Huffschmid, Klaus-Peter Kisker, among others , Karin Priester, Detlev Albers, Michael Krätke, Rolf Hosfeld and Ulrich Schreiber took part, the texts published in the special argument volume 44 emerged (Eurokommunism and Theory of Politics, Berlin 1979), including Jäger's first essay on party theory: From the state derivation to theory of the parties - a change of terrain in the spirit of Antonio Gramsci (pp. 45–64).
  2. Cf. on “this most prominent left-wing confederation project”, which “did not [succeed] in asserting itself with the Greens”, Dong-Ki Lee: Option or Illusion? The idea of ​​a national confederation in divided Germany 1949–1990, Berlin 2010, p. 375 ff.
  3. Their joint publication appeared in 1993 in four episodes in the Frankfurt magazine Kommune: Das Verlassen der Erde. Materials on the ecological catastrophe, in: Kommune 1/93, pp. 33–38. 2/93, pp. 44-49. 3/93, pp. 46-51 and 4/93, pp. 50-55. See also Kohn-Waechter's individual publication: Ersatzwelt, total rule, lust for risk - elements of a modern technology discourse using the example of John Desmond Bernal, in: Wolfgang Emmerich and Carl Weg (eds.), The technology discourse in the Hitler-Stalin era, Stuttgart Weimar 1995, pp. 47-71; von Jäger et al. Surface ecology. Kant's concept of natural beauty as the cornerstone of a theory of landscape discourse, in: Anton Holzer and Wieland Elfferding (eds.), Is it beautiful here. Landscape after the ecological crisis, Vienna 2000, pp. 249–278.
  4. Published in: Commune. 6/03, pp. 63-75 and 1/04, pp. 60-74.
  5. http://www.freitag.de/autoren/michael-jaeger/die-andere-gesellschaft-gliederung-in-kapitel .
  6. See http://www.freitag.de/autoren/michael-jaeger/inhaltsverzeichnis-des-musikblogs-mit-verlinkung-aller-beitrage .