Michael Kuen (clergyman)

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Portrait of Michael Kuen
Entry in the register of Michael Kuen
Bookplate by Michael Kuen

Michael Kuen (religious name), baptismal name: Franz Joseph Kuen , (born February 9, 1709 in Weißenhorn , † January 10, 1765 in Ulm ), was a German regular canon and writer.


From 1754 Kuen was provost Michael III. before the monastery of the Regulated Canons of St. Augustine to the Wengen in Ulm, into which he had entered in 1727. In 1734 he became dean of the monastery.

He published a large collection of sources on Latin church history ( Collectio ) and wrote several other theological writings. He also took part in the debate on the authorship of the Imitatio Christi and stood up for Thomas von Kempen as an author. He has handwritten a handwriting on steganography in the Stuttgart State Library .

Kuen, who had his own bookplate, acquired the life of Mary from brother Philipp in a manuscript written in 1419. He also promoted the expansion of the monastery library.

Kuen's father was the painter Johann Jakob Kuen (1681–1759), his brother the painter Franz Martin Kuen , who decorated the Wengen collegiate church with frescoes. The uncle Joseph Braunmüller, provost of the Wengen since 1736, was his immediate predecessor in office.

Works (selection)

  • Collectio Scriptorum Rerum Historico-Monastico-Ecclesiasticarum Variorum Religiosorum Ordinum , 6 volumes, Ulm 1755–1768 (in Vol. V / 2 his biography) online
  • Eusebius Engelhard (pseudonym): Lucifer Wittenbergensis (= Katharina von Bora ), 2 volumes., Landsberg 1747 online volume 1 , online volume 2 .
  • (anonymous): Friendly memories of badly-worn Morgenstern . Pressburg (fictitious place of printing!) 1752 (against Christian Wilhelm Franz Walch ) online .
  • Disquisitio critica de variis gestis S. Augustino falso attributis . Augsburg 1764 (part of a Possidius edition) online .


  • Franz StanonikKuen, Michael . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 17, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1883, p. 375 f.
  • Adolf Herte: The Catholic image of Luther under the spell of Luther's commentaries by Cochläus . Vol. 1, Münster 1943, pp. 198–205 (not viewed).
  • Johannes Madey in Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon Volume 4 (1992) columns 759-760 (incorrect).
  • Karl Suso Frank in: Lexicon for Theology and Church . 3rd edition vol. 6 (special edition 2009), col. 500.
  • Ulrich Scheinhammer-Schmid: ... consummatae eruditionis lumina diffundere ... - Spreading the light of perfected education ... Canons from Bavarian Swabia in Ulm's Wengenstift as intermediaries for the Enlightenment . In: Journal of the Historisches Verein für Schwaben 104 (2012), pp. 169–199, here pp. 179–182.

Web links

Commons : Michael Kuen (writer)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Manuscript catalogs ONLINE. In: manuscripta-mediaevalia.de. Retrieved January 3, 2015 .
  2. Handschriftencensus - Munich, Staatsbibl., Cgm 575. In: handschriftencensus.de. Retrieved January 3, 2015 .
  3. Magnus Sattler: A monk's life from the second half of the eighteenth century. Manz, 1868, p. 105. Restricted preview in the Google book search