Michael Thielen

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Michael Thielen

Michael Thielen (born April 14, 1959 in Prüm / Eifel) is a member of the CDU . From 2006 to 2008 he was State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and has been Secretary General of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation since November 15, 2008 .


Thielen studied political science , modern history and philosophy from 1983 to 1990 . From 1987 he worked in the office of the Bundestag member Jürgen Rüttgers (CDU). After completing his studies, he worked as a speaker for the CDU / CSU parliamentary group until 1995 . After Rüttgers had been appointed Federal Minister for Education, Science, Research and Technology by Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl in 1994 , Thielen took over the management of the ministerial office and the management staff of the Federal Ministry of Education from 1995 . After taking up the Red-Green Federal Government in 1998 , Thielen became head of the European Education and Research Cooperation subdivision in the Federal Ministry of Education, but in 1999 switched to the management of the CDU federal office. In 2006, Thielen was appointed State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Education by the grand coalition of CDU / CSU and SPD (2005 to 2009). The former Prime Minister and acting honorary chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Bernhard Vogel proposed in 2008 that he be appointed General Secretary of the KAS. Thielen then succeeded Wilhelm Staudacher on November 15, 2008 .

Michael Thielen's wife Cornelia Quennet-Thielen (CDU) became State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Education in November 2008 as her husband's successor . She was previously head of department and deputy head of the office of the Federal President .

Individual evidence

  1. FOCUS Online: State Secretary replaces her husband . In: FOCUS Online . ( focus.de [accessed on April 19, 2017]).

Web links