Michael of Abercron

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Michael of Abercron

Michael von Abercron (born November 17, 1952 at Gut Ehlerstorf , Ostholstein district ) is a German politician ( CDU ) and member of the Bundestag .


He is a member of the Abercron family and son of the landowner Friedrich-Karl von Abercron (1914–2002) and Huberta Freiin von Rodde (1919–2015). Von Abercron grew up on his parents' estate in Ostholstein. After graduating from high school in Lübeck in 1972 , he was a temporary soldier in the German Navy and then studied agricultural science at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel . He completed his studies with a diploma and a doctorate .

After completing his studies, he worked as a trainee in the chemical industry at Ciba-Geigy GmbH in Frankfurt am Main . From 1985 to 1999 he was head of the press office of the agricultural research association VDULFA ; He also acted as managing director of the CDU Economic Council in Kiel . Afterwards he held various full-time functions in the CDU Schleswig-Holstein and its parliamentary group. Since 2002 he has been the managing partner of "med logistik Service GmbH" in Elmshorn ; Between 2005 and 2017 he was also employed in the state service.

Von Abercron is married and has two daughters (* 2006, * 2012).


Von Abercron is a member of the CDU. For his party, he was a candidate for mayor in Elmshorn in 2001 and was chairman of the CDU local association from 2003 to the end of 2012. From 2003 to 2008 he was active as a city councilor for the city of Elmshorn. In the early state elections in Schleswig-Holstein in 2009 , he was elected as a direct candidate for the state parliament in the Elmshorn electoral district. In the state parliament he was a member of the Home Affairs and Legal Committee as well as the Environment and Agriculture Committee. In the state elections in Schleswig-Holstein in 2012 , he was unable to defend his mandate.

Von Abercron was nominated on November 5, 2016 as the successor to the Parliamentary State Secretary and CDU member of the Bundestag Ole Schröder as a direct candidate in the constituency 007 / Pinneberg for the 2017 Bundestag election . He won a mandate with 39.7% of the first votes. He is a full member of the Committee on Food and Agriculture and the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment as well as a deputy member of the Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety .

In the decision to amend the Political Parties Act in July 2018 with the aim of increasing the budget for party funding, von Abercron was the only member of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag to vote 'No'.

Web links

Commons : Michael von Abercron  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


Individual evidence

  1. Michael von Abercron in an interview in the Pinneberger Tageblatt on September 9, 2017, accessed on November 23, 2018
  2. Matthias Moehl: Federal Elections 2017. Accessed September 30, 2017 .
  3. ↑ parliament watch.de : "Amendment of the Political Parties Act (PartG)". Retrieved July 1, 2018 .
  4. Michael von Abercron: "No approval of the amendment to the political party law". Comment from Michael von Abercrons on his website. Retrieved July 1, 2018 .