Michael of Canaval

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Michael Franz von Canaval (born July 6, 1798 in Brno , † April 12, 1868 in Vienna ) was an Austrian classical philologist and writer.

Michael von Canaval was the son of Gubernial konzipisten , attended 1808-1814 high school in Brno and studied from 1814 to 1816 at the city's university .

He was also active as a literary ballad poet; he belonged to the Olomouc poet school founded by his Olomouc teacher Josef Leonard Knoll and in 1817 won the poet's prize at the first patriotic festivals on the Heiligenberg near Olomouc.

In 1827 he became a teacher of world history and Latin philology at the philosophical college in Przemyśl in Galicia . In 1829 he became professor of classical literature and aesthetics at the University of Lviv , from 1832 he taught these subjects as professor of classical literature and aesthetics at the University of Olomouc and teacher at the affiliated philosophical college, where he was also Gregor Mendel's class teacher . From 1835 to 1842 he was dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, and in 1839 rector of the University of Olomouc. From 1844 he taught classical philology as well as literature and aesthetics at the University of Prague and was dean of its philosophy faculty in 1847. In 1848 he became insane and in 1855 was taken to an asylum in Vienna.

During his time in Prague he wrote for the magazine Moravia .



  1. Yearbooks for Philology and Education. Volume 2, 1827, p. 357.
  2. Grätzer Zeitung No. 191, November 30, 1829, p. 1.
  3. ^ Hugo Iltis: Gregor Johann Mendel: Life. Work and effect. P. 18