Mikhail Alexandrovich Korostovtsev

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Mikhail Alexandrovich Korostowzew ( Russian Михаил Александрович Коростовцев , born April 10 . Jul / 23. April  1900 greg. In Yekaterinoslav ; † 21st October 1980 in Moscow ) was a Russian Egyptologist .


Korostowzew graduated from secondary school in Tbilisi in 1919 . From 1921 to 1924 he served in the Red Army , then in the Navy until 1934, in which he rose to the rank of captain . In 1934 he also completed a course in correspondence at the historical department of Baku University . He then worked in Egyptological research at the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg . He was a student of Vasily Wassiljewitsch Struwe . In 1940 he received his doctorate with a thesis on slavery in Egypt during the 18th dynasty. During the Second World War he served in the Red Army, later he took a post at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow. In 1943 he received another PhD in historical studies of script and language in ancient Egypt. From 1943 to 1947 he was summoned to Egypt as a correspondent for ITAR-TASS and as an official representative of the Academy of Sciences. Following a politically motivated false accusation, he spent eight years in a labor camp in Siberia. From 1965 he headed the Academy's Institute of Oriental Studies. In 1965 he also received an honorary doctorate from Charles University in Prague . His most important publications dealt with the hieratic papyri of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow.

Publications (selection)

  • Египетский язык. ИВЛ, Moscow 1961. (German Egyptian language. )
  • Писцы древнего Египта. ИВЛ, Moscow 1962. (Ger. The scribes of ancient Egypt. )
  • Иератический папирус № 127 из собрания ГМИИ им. А. С. Пушкина. Moscow 1961 (German Hieratic Papyrus No. 127 from the collection of the Pushkin Museum. )
  • Введение в египетскую филологию. Moscow 1963 (German introduction to Egyptian philology. )
  • Grammaire du neo-Egyptia. Moscow 1973
  • Религия древнего Египта. Наука, Moscow 1976, 2001 (German religion of ancient Egypt. )
