Mikhail Ivanovich Lebedev

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Mikhail Ivanovich Lebedev

Mikhail Ivanovich Lebedew ( Russian Михаил Иванович Лебедев ; * 4th November July / 16 November  1811 greg. In Dorpat ; † 13 July July / 25 July  1837 greg. In Naples ) was a Russian painter .

Mikhail Lebedev was born in Tartu into an impoverished serf family. Serfdom was abolished in the 1820s and young Lebedev was given the opportunity to attend a nearby school. Count Palen became aware of his artistic abilities and sent him on a scholarship to the Petersburg Art Academy . At the academy, among others, Maxim Nikiforovich Vorobyov was his teacher. In 1833 his painting View of Ladoga was awarded a gold medal.

Mikhail Ivanovich Lebedev: Avenue in Albano, 1837 (Soviet postage stamp, 1986)

In 1834 Lebedev traveled to Italy , where he met a Russian artist colony, including Karl Brjullow . Lebedev was enthusiastic about landscape painting there. Notable paintings from this period are Ariccia near Rome and View of Castel-Gandolfo near Rome . Lebedev's colorful and contrasting landscapes were an immediate hit with the public. In 1837 he came to Naples to work during a cholera epidemic . He fell ill and died at the age of 25.

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Commons : Mikhail Ivanovich Lebedev  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files