Mikhail Fyodorovich Larionov

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Mikhail Larionov, photography (ca.1915)
Mikhail Larionov: Self-Portrait (1910)
Oil on canvas, 104 × 89 cm, privately owned

Mikhail Larionov ( Russian Михаил Фёдорович Ларионов ;. Scientific transliteration Mikhail Larionov Fedorovic * May 22 jul. / 3. June  1881 greg. In Tiraspol , now Moldova ; † 10. May 1964 in Fontenay-aux-Roses in Paris ) was a Russian painter who belonged to the Russian avant-garde . He is considered the founder of rayonism .


Larionov studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture , where he met Natalija Goncharova in 1900 . In 1906 he traveled to Paris for the first time. Influenced by the art movements of Western European art, he founded the artists' association Karo-Bube together with Natalija Gontscharowa in 1910 , from which they separated again in early 1912 to found the Donkey Tail Association . At the first exhibition Zielscheibe they showed Rayonist pictures for the first time . Together with Robert Genin , Alexej Jawlensky , Wassily Kandinsky and Marianne von Werefkin , he took part in the Baltic Exhibition in Malmö in 1914 .

In 1914 Sergei Djagilew engaged Larionov and Goncharova as costume and stage designers for the Ballets Russes . Dyagilev expected freshness and spontaneity from this collaboration. Larionow created vulgar and sophisticated costumes at the same time for Soleil de Nuit (1915), Histoires Naturelles (1915, not produced), Chout (1921) and Le Renard (1922).

Larionov was drafted in 1914 and fought at the front until he was demobilized in 1915 after being seriously injured.

In 1915, Larionov and Goncharova left Russia and from 1918 lived in their Paris apartment on rue de Seine at the corner of rue Jacques Callot .

Mikhail Larionov had a younger brother, Ivan Larionow (1884–1920), who was also an avant-garde painter.


  • Eli Eganbjuri : Natalja Goncharova. Mikhail Larionov . ZA Münster, Moscow 1913 (525 copies)
  • Yevgeny Kovtun: Mikhail Larionov . Bournemouth 1998
  • Museum Modern Art. Jürgen Blum Collection (ed.): Natalja Gontscharowa, Michail Larionow, Kasimir Malewitsch. The holy heaven. Futurism, Rayonism, Suprematism . 1992
  • Felix Philipp: Radiant art. On the history and theory of rayonism . (Exhibition catalog on the occasion of the exhibition: Mikhail Larionov. Rayonist works 1912-1914 and illustrated books by Russian Futurists; March 14 to May 16, 1987). Zurich 1986

Web links

Commons : Mikhail Fyodorowitsch Larionow  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Purvis, Alston ao (Eds.): The Ballets Russes and the Art of Design. The Monacelli Press 2009. p. 31 ff.
  2. Chamot, Mary: Goncharova. Stage designs and paintings. London 1979. p. 15
  3. Petrova, Yevgenia (Ed.): Natalia Goncharova. The Russian Years. Bad Breisig 2002
  4. Chamot, Mary: Goncharova. Stage designs and paintings. London 1979. p. 18
  5. Kowtun, Jewgeni: Michail Larionow. Bournemouth 1998. pp. 59 ff.