Mikhail Vasilyevich Golovatov

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Mikhail Wassiljewitsch Golowatow ( Russian Михаил Васильевич Головатов ; born August 23, 1949 in Mukownino, Moscow Oblast , RSFSR ) is a Soviet veteran of the Afghan war (last rank: Colonel ) and former KGB officer.

From 1984 he was deputy commander of the special unit ALFA, which was subordinate to the KGB, and as such was also involved in the Vilnius Blood Sunday of January 13, 1991. At that time, fourteen civilians were killed and one thousand injured when Soviet forces (including ALFA) stormed the television tower occupied by demonstrators .

In Lithuania , he was therefore charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity , and in October 2010 a European arrest warrant was issued against him. On July 14, 2011, he was arrested at Vienna International Airport , but released the next day, according to the Austrian authorities, “for lack of specific information”. As a sports official, Golowatow was on his way to a ski training team in Salzburg . The release led to a diplomatic crisis between Austria and the Baltic states . The foreign ministers of Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania wrote to EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding in a protest letter , and Lithuania withdrew its ambassador from Austria.

In 2019, Golowatov was sentenced in absentia to a 12-year prison term by a Lithuanian court.


Golowatow is the recipient of several military awards from the Soviet Union, so u. a. of the Order of the Red Banner , the Order of the Red Star and the Medal of Valor .

Individual evidence

  1. ГОЛОВАТОВ Михаил Васильевич (Russian, accessed January 27, 2013)
  2. ^ Conflict between Lithuania and Austria escalates. Baltische Rundschau , July 19, 2011. Accessed July 20, 2011
  3. ^ Diplomatic crisis is coming to a head , Wiener Zeitung , July 19, 2011. Accessed April 14, 2015
  4. LRT from September 15, 2019