Michelangelo Pacetti

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Michelangelo Pacetti (born December 26, 1793 in Rome , † April 1, 1865 there ) was an Italian landscape painter .


Pius IX sermon on the occasion of the transfer of the crucifix from Campo Vaccino to the chapel of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami (1855)

Michelangelo Pacetti was a son of the sculptor Vincenzo Pacetti . He received his training together with Massimo d'Azeglio in Martin Verstappen's studio . He remained on friendly terms with both of them, Verstappen married his sister Arcangela, d'Azeglio was the godfather of his son Stefano. In 1810 he won a prize at the Accademia di San Luca . In 1834 he became a member of the Congregazione dei Virtuosi al Pantheon .

Pacetti created traditional vedutas , with an emphasis on events and religious ceremonies in papal Rome. Several of his works are kept in the Mueso di Roma in the Palazzo Braschi . Pacetti was also active as a collector and dealer of works by old masters , in connection with Massimo d'Azeglio, who referred him to galleries in Milan and Turin , and with Roberto d'Azeglio, curator of the Galleria Sabauda in Turin. Among other things, he sold the Bartolomeo Cavaceppi's collection of around 6,000 drawings that had come to him through his father to Gustav Friedrich Waagen .
