Vincenzo Pacetti

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Vincenzo Pacetti, Portrait of Anton von Maron , around 1790, Accademia di San Luca

Vincenzo Pacetti (born April 3, 1746 in Rome , † July 28, 1820 there ) was an Italian sculptor and restorer .


Vincenzo Pacetti was born in Rome as the eldest son of the gem cutter Andrea Pacetti and Lucrezia Saiocchi and was baptized in the church of Santa Maria in Trastevere . His younger brother Camillo was also a sculptor.

He received his training in the workshop of Tommaso Righi and in courses at the nude school at the Capitol. He won several prizes, including the third prize in the first class of sculpture at the Accademia di San Luca in 1766 with the terracotta The Pharaoh receives Jacob and Joseph . From 1766 he worked with Pietro Pacilli in his studio near the Spanish Steps . After his death in 1772 he took over the studio and began a successful career as a sculptor and restorer of ancient sculptures. His own works show a clear classical orientation. In addition to mythological and religious sculptures, he also created numerous portrait busts and tombs.

After an unsuccessful request in 1775, he was accepted into the Accademia di San Luca in 1778 , he also became a member of the Accademia dei Virtuosi al Pantheon .

In 1777 he married Teresa Gonzales, the sister of the painter Laurent Pécheux's wife , and the couple had ten children, including Giuseppe (* 1782), who became a sculptor, and Michelangelo (* 1793), who became a painter.

Temple of Aescula in the park of Villa Borghese with sculptures by Pacetti

In the second half of the 1770s he was involved in the renovation and furnishing of the Villa Borghese with several other artists under the direction of the architects Antonio Asprucci and Ennio Quirino Visconti . Among other things, he created reliefs and furnishings for the Casino Nobile, restored numerous ancient sculptures and was involved in the garden design. In the late 1770s and 1780s he also received a number of church commissions.

Pacetti was not only a prolific sculptor and restorer, but also a collector and dealer of antiques, paintings, drawings, prints, and books. He was in contact with the most important restorers and with numerous foreign artists working in Rome. By the 1780s, he had expanded his antiques business so much that he employed a large number of people and had to rent several warehouses for storage.

As executor of Bartolomeo Cavaceppi's will , who died in 1799, thanks to disputes between the heirs, he succeeded in acquiring his collection of around 6,000 drawings at a price that was far too low, which, however, resulted in a long legal battle. His son Michelangelo sold the collection to Gustav Friedrich Waagen , through whom it came to the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett in 1843 .


Anton Raphael Mengs' tomb (1784)
  • Tomb for Emanuele Pinto de Fonseca, Church of San Giovanni in Valletta, 1774/75
  • Reliefs in the entrance hall ( Apollo , dancer , Hercules and Iole , sacrifice of Polyxena ), several reliefs in the Imperial Hall, Bas Relief Korybantentanz the Apollo room, two lintels, Casino nobile of Villa Borghese in Rome to 1775/80
  • Statues and reliefs at the Temple of Aescule, Villa Borghese Park, around 1780
  • Sculptures for the Church of San Francesco in Civitavecchia , 1778–1780
  • Colossal statue of St. Margaret of Cortona for the Church of Santa Margherita in Cortona , around 1780
  • Bust of Marco Benefial for the Pantheon , 1781–1783 (today in the Protomoteca capitolina)
  • Bust of Pius VI. , 1783 (today in the Museo di Sant'Agostino in Genoa )
  • Stucco angel for the altar of Santa Maria del Pianto in Rome, 1784
  • Tomb for Anton Raphael Mengs , Church of Santi Michele e Magno in Rome, 1784
  • Draft of four statues for the facade of the Holy Trinity Church in Viterbo , 1786–1787 (executed by Camillo Pacetti)
  • Bust by Pietro Bracci for the Pantheon, 1794–1795
  • Statues for the facade of Orvieto Cathedral , after 1795
  • Bas-relief of Pius VII for the Villa Locatelli in Spoleto , 1800
  • Tomb of the Marquis Giuseppe Zagnoni in the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Lucina in Rome, 1803–1807


Web links

Commons : Vincenzo Pacetti  - Collection of images, videos and audio files