Michele Rapisardi

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Michele Rapisardi (born December 27, 1822 in Catania , † December 19, 1886 in Florence ) was an Italian painter from Sicily .


Rapisardi was the son of the portraitist Giuseppe Rapisardi (1799-1853) and his wife Rosaria (nee de Luca). The house where he was born was completely demolished around 1850.

Rapisardi received his first training from his father in Catania. In 1843 he was able to study at the Accademia di San Luca in Rome thanks to a scholarship from his native city . On December 26, 1846, he received a prize from the Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Literature .

During trips to Florence, Venice and Paris in 1847 , he studied the art of the Renaissance . After his return in 1849 he worked as a portraitist and caricaturist in Catania. In 1851 he went on another study trip to Florence, Milan , Venice and other cities in northern Italy. In 1860 he showed the important painting “The Lombard League defeats Emperor Barbarossa ” in Florence in the “Concorso Ricasoli” and a year later at the first “Esposizione Nazionale di Firenze” the painting “The early poets and the virgins of Zion”.

From 1856 to 1862 he created several paintings with a religious content for churches in Catania, from 1855 he also created landscapes.

He created more than 155 pictures.

Michele Rapisardi: "Venus on the Red Divan" (1858)
Michele Rapisardi: "Siren" (1872)

Works (selection)

  • Museo del Castello Ursino ( Catania ): “The Sicilian Vespers ” and “The early Italian poets at the court of Emperor Frederick II ”, “Head of Ophelia”, “Venus on the red divan” (1858), “Siren” (1871 ) and "The Orientale"
  • Museo Civico Belliniano (Catania): "Apotheosis of Vincenzo Bellini "
  • Museo Civico ( Turin ): "Girls of Catania"
  • Uffizi Gallery (Florence): Self-Portrait
  • Chiesa Madre ( Mascalucia ): "Saint Vitus in prison"
  • Chiesa di San Vito ( Mascalucia ): "Immacolata" ( 1858 ), "The Sacrifice of Gideon" and the "Banquet of Emmaus" (1861/62)
  • Chiesa San Placido (Catania): "St. Benedict blesses St. Placidius" (1861)
  • San Benedetto (Catania): "San Luigi Gonzaga" (1862),


Web links

Wikisource: Per Michele Rapisardi  - Sources and full texts (Italian)

Individual evidence

  1. Emanuele Rapisardi: Vita e opere di Michele Rapisardi e cenni biografici del padre . Tip. Giachetti, figlio, Prato 1889, p. 5 (Italian, Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  2. Rapisardi, Michele . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 28 : Ramsden-Rosa . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1934, p. 17 .