Microsporum gypseum

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Microsporum gypseum
Microsporum gypseum (257 17) Microculture.jpg

Microsporum gypseum

Class : Eurotiomycetes
Subclass : Eurotiomycetidae
Order : Onygenales
Family : Arthrodermataceae
Genre : Microsporum
Type : Microsporum gypseum
Scientific name
Microsporum gypseum
(E. Bodin) Guiart & Grigoraki

Microsporum gypseum is a parasitic fungus ( dermatophyte ) that occurson the skin. It belongs to the geophilic group of dermatophytes, which are mainly transmitted through the earth. The dermatophytosis it triggers is therefore also known as “gardener's microsporia ”in humans. The fungus can also occur in horses, and rarely in cats.

The fungus forms fluffy white colonies on culture media. In the microscopic picture it shows septate hyphae and club-shaped microconidia . The large numbers of macroconidia are 8–16 × 22–60 µm in size, symmetrical, rough, thin-walled and have a maximum of six cells. Their ends are rounded.


  • M. Rolle (Ed.): Hypomyecetes or Fadenpilze . In: Rolle, Mayr: Medical microbiology, infection and disease theory . 6th edition. Enke Verlag, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-432-84686-X , pp. 826-836.
  1. M. Schäfer, O. Dietz, A. Weber: Skin diseases . In: O. Dietz, B. Huskamp (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Pferdepraxis . 2nd edition. Enke Verlag, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 3-432-29262-7 , pp. 223-266.
  2. P. Hensel: The feline dermatophytosis - diagnosis and therapy . In: Kleintiermedizin , (5/6) / 2006, pp. 122–132

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Commons : Microsporum gypseum  - collection of images, videos and audio files