Miguel Tejada-Flores

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Miguel Tejada-Flores (* in Pasadena , California ) is an American screenwriter and film producer .


After Miguel Tejada-Flores graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a bachelor's degree in French literature in 1972 , he went to France for further studies , where he studied at the Sorbonne . But after only a year he left this again and began studying film at the London Film School . He then went back to the USA and spent a few years as a photojournalist and documentary filmmaker before he joined the Story Analysts Guild , a union for script readers, and analyzed manuscripts and scripts for film studios, whereupon he used the resulting contacts to join the production company around 1979 Switch Lorimar Motion Pictures . And so he worked for several years in a wide variety of functions in the production area until he first worked as a screenwriter for the light hit comedy Die Rache der Eierköpfe in 1984 .

After Tejada-Flores wrote and produced several light comedies, action, horror and science fiction films within three decades, he began to get involved in individual organizations of filmmakers Latinos in recent years as the son of a Bolivian .

Miguel Tejada married Carol Flores and took her maiden name as a double name.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Miguel Tejada-Flores on globalfoundationdd.org (English), accessed October 10, 2011
  2. Miguel Tejada-Flores on LinkedIn , accessed October 10, 2011
  3. Miguel Tejada-Flores on radaris.com (English), accessed October 10, 2011