Millatu Ibrahim

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Millatu Ibrahim or Millatu-Ibrāhīm ( Arabic ملة إبراهيم, 'Religion of Abraham') is a Salafist organization that is banned in Germany . The founder and first leader of the group is Mohamed Mahmoud , who left for Egypt in April 2012 and later joined the Islamic State (IS) . According to matching media reports, Mahmoud was killed in Syria at the end of 2018. Another high-ranking member was Denis Cuspert , who fought on the side of jihadists in the civil war in Syria . According to German security authorities, Cuspert is also said to have died in Syria.

The name of the organization is of Koranic origin (cf. e.g. Sura 2 : 130; Sura 4 : 125).


Millatu Ibrahim was founded in autumn 2011, was based in a backyard mosque in Solingen and had almost 50 members until the ban. In addition to Mohamed Mahmoud and Denis Cuspert u. a. Robert Baum, who killed numerous soldiers in a suicide attack in Syria in 2014, and Christian Emde , who gave an interview to journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer in Mossul in 2014. In this he threatened Germany with attacks by IS. Emde is also said to have been killed in the Syrian civil war, apparently by a drone attack.

On May 29, 2012, Federal Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich decreed a ban against Millatu Ibrahim “because of efforts against the constitutional order and the idea of international understanding ”. As an example, he cited that Millatu Ibrahim legitimized the violent riots in Solingen and Bonn at the beginning of May 2012 in “combat videos” and called for further acts of violence. In the violent riots on May 1, 2012 in Solingen, in which Islamists protested against the showing of the Mohammed caricatures by the citizens' movement pro NRW and injured police officers in the subsequent riots, protagonists of the Salafist group had taken the lead. In a nashid on May 12, 2012, leaders of the organization also announced massive violence.

On June 14, 2012, there was a raid against the Islamist network, the largest against extremist Muslims in the history of the Federal Republic. According to German security authorities, members subsequently withdrew to Egypt, where the Salafists have received a strong political boost since the fall of Mubarak to regroup and continue their propaganda activities.

On March 13, 2013, the Federal Ministry of the Interior announced that the Gladbeck- based organization An-Nussrah as a sub-organization of Millatu Ibrahim had also been banned. At the same time there were seizures and searches.

A short time after the ban, Milatu Ibrahim's remaining supporters in Germany formed anew under the name "Tauhid Germany" . Hasan Keskin (aka Abu Ibrahim) appeared as the leader this time. The Tauhid Germany association was also banned on March 26, 2015 by the then Federal Minister of the Interior, Thomas de Maizière, as the successor organization to Milatu Ibrahim. Nothing is known about the current whereabouts of Keskin, who was finally sentenced by the Wuppertal Regional Court to a prison term of two years and seven months and then went abroad. A European arrest warrant is currently being sought after Keskin .

Regardless of the state prohibition measures, radical Salafists are said to be still active in the Bergisch city triangle (Remscheid, Solingen and Wuppertal) . The protection of the constitution assumes around 200 people in this regard.


In September 2014, the Berliner Kurier reported that the former rapper Denis Cuspert had led the brigade of the banned Millatu Ibrahim on August 24, 2014 in Mosul .

The Bosnian-Danish drug trafficker Mesa Hodzic, arrested on August 31, 2016 in the alternative settlement Christiania in the Danish capital Copenhagen , who resisted the arrest by shooting several times in the head and legs of the arresting police officers and an uninvolved passer-by, also belonged to the group Millatu Ibrahim, he was also considered a sympathizer of the Islamic State , although the Danish police see no connection between the crime and the Islamist organization.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the prohibition of the association "Tauhid Germany" (TG). March 26, 2015, accessed on November 14, 2019 (German).
  2. a b Federal Constitutional Protection Report 2012, p. 236 ( PDF ( Memento from August 30, 2017 in the Internet Archive )).
  3. dominik.schreiber: New photo shows killed Austro terrorist Mohamed Mahmoud. Retrieved November 14, 2019 .
  4. dominik.schreiber: New photo shows killed Austro terrorist Mohamed Mahmoud. Retrieved November 14, 2019 .
  5. 29 11 2018 at 1:45 p.m.: Viennese jihadist Mohamed Mahmoud is said to have died in an air raid. Retrieved November 14, 2019 .
  6. a b Ban on Salafist Association: Strike against violent Germany haters . In: Der Spiegel , June 14, 2012.
  7. Ronen Steinke: IS: The most likely death of Denis Cuspert. Retrieved November 14, 2019 .
  8. ^ A b Florian Flade, Martin Lutz: Raid against Salafists - Friedrich forbids network . In: Die Welt , June 14, 2012, accessed on September 4, 2016.
  9. Erasmus Monitor: Paths to Jihad: Todenhöfer met German ISIS fighter Christian Emde. In: Erasmus Monitor. Retrieved November 14, 2019 .
  10. FOCUS Online: We will conquer Europe and kill everyone who does not convert to Islam. Retrieved November 14, 2019 .
  11. ^ Convert from Solingen: IS fighter Christian Emde apparently killed in a drone attack. March 7, 2019, accessed November 14, 2019 .
  12. ^ Salafists: raid and ban on associations . ( Memento of February 7, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Federal Ministry of the Interior , press release of June 14, 2012, accessed on September 4, 2016.
  13. ^ Arrest for violent Salafists ,, September 26, 2013.
  14. Florian Flade: Salafists are planning "accounting" with Germany . In: Die Welt , October 8, 2012, accessed September 4, 2016.
  16. Federal Interior Minister consistently takes action against Salafist structures in Germany . Federal Ministry of the Interior, press release of March 13, 2013, accessed on September 4, 2016.
  17. Measures against Salafism: Association bans successfully implemented . Federal Ministry of the Interior, press release of March 13, 2013, accessed on September 4, 2016.
  18. Florian Flade: Islam: German Salafists are reorganizing themselves online . June 1, 2013 ( [accessed November 14, 2019]).
  19. Information on the prohibition of the association "Tauhid Germany" (TG). March 26, 2015, accessed on November 14, 2019 (German).
  20. Jörg Diehl: Escape from prison: Salafist leader resigns abroad . In: Spiegel Online . October 1, 2015 ( [accessed November 14, 2019]).
  21. ^ Verena Willing: Salafists in Solingen: All facts and backgrounds. September 9, 2019, accessed November 15, 2019 .
  22. Deso Dogg: "We slaughter you all!" ' , In: Berliner Kurier , September 3, 2014
  23. Politi: Sigtet for drabsforsøg på betjente sympatiserer med Islamisk Stat. Danmarks Radio (DR), accessed on September 3, 2016 .