Minarets from the Temple Mount

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The four minarets on the Jerusalem Temple Mount belong to the al-Aqsa Mosque :

  • Al-Fakhariyya Minaret , on the southwestern side of the Temple Mount site, built in 1278 by order of the Sultan Ladschin , restored in 1922, named after Fachr ad-Din al-Chalili, the father of the builder of the minaret.
  • Ghawanima minaret , on the north-western side of the area, built in 1297 also by order of the Sultan Ladschin, restored in 1329 and again in 1927, is 37 m high and is one of the tallest buildings in the old town.
  • Bab-al-Silsila Minaret (approximately: "Chain Gate Minaret"), is located on the western side of the Temple Mount and was built in 1392 in the Syrian style on the site of an older minaret; the minaret was given a new top in the 19th century after an earthquake damaged it.

There is currently no minaret on the east side of the Temple Mount. In 2006, however, it became known that the Israeli authorities approved plans by the King of Jordan , Abdullah II bin al-Hussein , to build a new minaret east of the mosque.

Individual evidence

  1. Al-Aqsa Guide , Portal Friends of Al-Aqsa, online at: archive.org / ... aqsa.org.uk / ...
  2. a b c d Menashe Har-El: Golden Jerusalem , Gefen Publishing House Ltd., 2004, ISBN 978-965-229-254-4 , p. 334, excerpt online: books.google.de / ...
  3. Minaret al-Ghawanima , Server Archnet, online at: archnet: Minaret al-Ghawanima
  4. Mi'dhanat Bab al-Silsila , Server Archnet, online at: archnet: Mi'dhanat Bab al-Silsila
  5. Mi'dhanat Bab al-Asbat , Server Archnet, online at: archnet: Mi'dhanat Bab al-Asbat
  6. Minaret that can't rise above politics , New York Times, October 14, 2006, online at: The Times / The Sundaytimes: Minaret that can't rise above politics ( Memento of August 5, 2011 in the Internet Archive ); Israel allows minaret over Temple Mount , ynetnews.com, April 2, 2007, online at: ynetnews.com: Israel allows minaret over Temple Mount ( Memento from June 28, 2011 in the Internet Archive )

See also