Mir Jafar Abbasovich Bagirov

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Bagirow (center) with Filipp Macharadse and Lavrenti Beria (1935)

Mir Jafar Baghirov ( Azerbaijani : I Cəfər Bağırov ; Russian Мир Джафар Аббас оглы Багиров ; born September 5, jul. / 17th September  1896 greg. In Quba ; † 26. May 1956 in Baku , Azerbaijan SSR ) was a Soviet politician of Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in the Azerbaijani SSR and candidate for the Presidium of the CPSU .


Rise to party leader of the Azerbaijan SSR

Bagirow initially worked as a village school teacher and in 1917 became a member of the CPSU ( Bolsheviks ) and deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Committee in Quba. In 1918 he took part in communist actions in the Caucasus and during this time made friends with the later top functionaries Anastas Mikojan and Lavrenti Beria . Under the command of Sergei Mironovich Kirov , he took part in the bloody suppression of a workers' strike in Astrakhan, threatened by the troops of the White Army , in March 1919.

He then returned to Azerbaijan and in 1920 was first deputy chairman of the Nagorno-Karabakh Revolutionary Committee and then political commissar of the Azerbaijani infantry division . After a further position as chairman of the military tribunal of the Azerbaijan Infantry Division, he was deputy chairman of the military tribunal of the 11th Army .

In 1921 he was appointed People's Commissar for Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan. In this position, which he held until 1927, he was responsible for the Cheka and then for the State Political Administration ( Gossudarstvennoje Polititscheskoje Uprawlenije ) (GPU).

From November 1932 to December 1933 he was chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Azerbaijani SSR. In December 1933 he succeeded Vladimir Ivanovich Polonsky as First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan and was party leader in the Azerbaijani SSR until April 1953 for almost twenty years.

During the years of the Great Terror (1936–1938), Bagirov implemented Stalin's directives on violent repression in the party and society. Apart from him, no leadership cadre of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan survived the year 1938. Between 1937 and 1953 he was a member (deputy) of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR .

Disempowerment after Stalin's death and arrest

After Josef Stalin's death , on March 5, 1953, he became a candidate for the Presidium of the CPSU . At the same time he was again chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijani SSR from April 6 to July 13, 1953. On July 17, 1953, when Beria was ousted from power, he lost his functions as a candidate for the presidium and as a member of the Central Committee (ZK) of the CPSU , although he had previously criticized Beria as “a chameleon, the worst enemy of our party and of our people ”.

He then became deputy chairman of Kuibyshevneft , a production association of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry of the USSR, before he was arrested on March 13, 1954 and finally executed in 1956.

Throughout his political career he had previously won several awards and received among other twice Red Banner , three times the Order of Lenin , twice the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of the Patriotic War .

Web links

Commons : Mir Jafar Baghirov  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Jörg Baberowski : The red terror. The history of Stalinism , Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich 2003, p. 175, ISBN 978-3-421-05486-9 ; Jörg Baberowski: Stalinism on the periphery. The example of Azerbajdžan , in: Manfred Hildermeier (ed.): Stalinism before the Second World War. New ways of research , Oldenbourg, Munich 1998, pp. 307-335, here p. 331, ISBN 978-3-486-56350-4 .
  2. Jörg Baberowski: Scorched Earth. Stalin's rule of violence , Fischer-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2012, p. 285, ISBN 978-3-596-19637-1 ;
    In it: “Bagirow had the inhabitants of entire peasant villages exterminated, twenty ministers of his government and all party secretaries of the republic shot and whole clans murdered, whom he presented to the dictator as enemies. He had the delinquents brought to his study, where they were tortured in his presence. «Give it to the arrested so that they only have to be carried to the place of the shooting», section «The Destruction of the Party» in the chapter «Dictatorship of Terror», quoted in IN Mel'nikov (correspondent «Izvestij» po Azerbajdžanskoj SSR ), Zapiska o processe M. Bagirova i ego soobščnikov, in the archive of the Research Center for Eastern Europe at the University of Bremen (FSO), Fund 23 (Čingiz Gusejnov), pp. 4, 8.